The Jesuit Covenant continued with the Arabs until oppression, murder, idol worship, polytheism, and disbelief increased amongst them. Each tribe had its own house of worship in the form of a giant cube and they filled it up with hundreds of idols made of sticks and stones. The lands once filled with the followers of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus (PBUT) had now become filled with barbaric idol worshipers. The Arabs had completely broken the Jesuit Covenant through their disbelief, hatred of one another, and warring with one another. The Arab tribes in the days prior to the birth of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) were scattered throughout the region and were constantly at war with one another. They were committing the most heinous of crimes, such as burying newborn girls alive. God’s vengeance for their inhumane actions fell upon them and He sent forth a punishment against the Arabs for breaking the Jesuit Covenant. One of the well-known signs to the Arabs that Jesus (PBUH) provided as a proof of his divine authority was the creation of birds out of clay. The punishment for breaking the Jesuit Covenant was the flock of birds (ababil) carrying hard clay stones (sijjil) who destroyed not only Abrahah and his army but also destroyed many of the disbelieving Arabs. At last, there arrived the promised one who Jesus (PBUH) gave glad tidings about, the final Messenger Mohammed (PBUH & His Family).
God established a new Covenant with Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) and the sign of the Mohammedan Covenant was the Yamani stone. The Yamani stone is not to be confused with the black stone of the Kaaba, the Yamani stone is another stone. One day I asked Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) about it:
I said, “Is the Yamani stone the same as the black stone?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “No, the people think it is the same but it is a stone which is safeguarded in the Wadi Al-Yabis in Jordan.”
I asked, “What is its color?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “It is dark black with redness in its center.”
I asked, “And shall this be in the new Kaaba?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) responded, “Yes.”
The Mohammedan Covenant brought significant changes in laws. In this context, new restrictions and practices were introduced in order to purify, discipline, and correct the beliefs and norms of the Arab tribes and nations. They had deviated so far from the Jesuit Covenant that major changes were required. Here are a few of the major changes which happened with the Sixth Covenant:
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) became God’s Messenger to all the worlds. Unlike previous Messengers who were sent specifically to Israel or to a particular people or nation, Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) was sent to all of humanity. In fact, God sent Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) as a Messenger to the entire universe, to all of creation including non-human life such as jinn.
Out of the billions of human beings born throughout the past 10,000 years, millions were believers. Out of those millions, 124,000 of them were chosen to become Prophets and reached the rank of Prophethood (nabi). Out of the 124,000 Prophets, only 313 reached the next rank of becoming a Messenger (rasool). Out of the 313 Messengers sent to humanity, only five reached the rank of an Imam (foremost guide) and became carriers of a new jurisprudence and Covenant. Finally, out of the five Ulul-Azm Messengers, the Covenant Prophets with great determination and steadfastness, only 1 was to reach the next level of “two bow lengths or closer” to God. The rank of dissolution into God: a state of incomprehensible oneness and singularity. It is a state of communion with the Absolute God. It is the rank of God in Creation (Allah fi-al-khalq). For the sake of simplicity, we shall describe each rank or station (maqam):
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) in the famous night journey, was raised to this rank and became God in Creation (Allah fi-al-khalq). He was given the task of taking care of all of creation. One key aspect of this role is to send forth Messengers to invite, guide, and warn. Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) was the Final Messenger of the Absolute God (Allah). Now Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) was given the ability and authority to send his own Messengers, who were to be called Imams and Mahdis. The twelve Imams and the twelve Mahdis were appointed and mentioned by Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) on the night of his passing. The twelve Imams are:
The twelve Imams were the most perfect of Messengers. They were higher and better than any of the previous Prophets and Messengers sent. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), his daughter Fatimah Al-Zahra and the twelve Imams (From Them is Peace) were the only created beings who incarnated into this world with inherent infallibility from birth until death. History has not recorded against them any sins as it has with the other Prophets and Messengers. They were the most perfect images of God in Creation. As demonstrated in the Book of Monotheism by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace), the Prophets and Messengers were working towards paving the path for the coming of God in Creation. In the book of Deuteronomy, it states:
“He said: “The LORD came from Sinai and dawned over them from Seir; he shone forth from Mount Paran.”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) clarified that the dawning of God in Creation was through Jesus (PBUH), and a dawn is a partial manifestation and not a full appearance and that the shining of God was a full appearance in Paran and that is through Mohammed (PBUH & His Family).
In Islamic narrations, it is mentioned in the Supplication of Attributes (Duaa Al-Simat):
“And by your rise in Seir, and your appearance on Mount Paran.”
The rise or partial appearance is in Jesus and the full appearance is in Mohammed (PBUH & His Family). For this reason, we find God’s description of Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed as “the complete words.” For Mohammed is the complete appearance and the complete word, as stated in the Supplication of Attributes (Duaa Al-Simat):
“…and by Your word by which You have created the heavens and earth…and by the matter of the complete word…and I ask You by Your word which overpowered everything.”
Thus, the picture becomes clearer. All of the Prophets and Messengers were paving the way for the coming of God in Creation. They paved the way for the rulership of God. God came in creation through manifesting as His most perfect images, Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) who were a singular light created in the image of God. In fact, they were the only thing created directly by the Absolute God. Everything and everyone else after that was created by them. It was narrated from them that they (From Them is Peace) said:
“We are the creation of our Lord and the people after that are our creation.”
Mohammed who cleared the House of God from the false idols and false gods, and Ali who was born in the House of God. Ali is the only human being to be born inside the Kaaba. Ali is the only human being who was raised by Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) above his head and stood on his shoulders in the Holy Kaaba. It is Mohammed and Ali and Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein (From Them is Peace) who return as the twelve Imams and they are one light.
In fact, the Seal of Mohammed could be read, “Mohammed the Messenger of Allah” but it also reads: “Allah is the Messenger of Mohammed.” This points to the coming of God in Creation. Below is an image of the famous seal.
Figure 1: Seal of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family)
One day Aba Michael (PBUH) and a believer discussed what it means to know God by the Arabic letters in the phrase: “There is no god but God (Allah).”
Aba Michael (PBUH) said, “My brother, do you know who God is? God whom there is no God but He, God is ‘there is no God but God.’ In the phrase, ‘there is no God but Allah,’ how many are the letters in this sentence (in Arabic)?”
The believer said, “Twelve.”
Aba Michael (PBUH) asked, “Who is the best of them?”
The believer responded, “Ali ibn Abi Talib (PBUH).”
Aba Michael (PBUH) asked, “And who is after him?”
The believer said, “Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein (PBUT).”
Aba Michael (PBUH) said, “Good job, God is in them and they are in Him. The twelve Imams, all of them.”
All of the twelve Imams have come and gone except for the Twelfth and final Imam, Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family). He is named Baqiyat Allah, the remaining part of Allah. That is because all of the other twelve parts of God in Creation have gone and he is the remaining Imam from them. The final part of that original light.
Although there were many changes made in the jurisprudence of this new Covenant, the most important part of the Mohammedan Covenant is that he implemented the pilgrimage to the Holy House of God at least once in a lifetime. Muslims had to make pilgrimage to visit the Holy House of God and pledge allegiance to the black stone. The circumambulation (tawaf) of the Kaaba begins at the black stone where the first act of the pilgrim is to put out their right hand and touch or point to the black stone. This stone symbolizes the hand of God, and it represents the Riser/Qaim of the Family of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family). The whole Hajj ritual represents a pledge of allegiance to God through the pledge of allegiance to the Riser of the Family of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family).
Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) had brought to us his Family, the twelve Imams, who were the perfect manifestation of God in Creation. The Holy Qur’an mentioned and emphasized our duty towards them repeatedly:
“…And Allah only wishes to remove all impurities from you, ye members of the Family, and to purify you a thorough purification.”
Here we realize that God is explicitly telling us that the Family of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), who oftentimes are referred to as the “Family of God,” are completely purified. Therefore, they are in fact, pure from the seed of the devil and have none of the impurities of Satan or Cain in them.
Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said:
“God created us from the light of His Might and then He created us from a safeguarded clay from under the throne, and He made that light abide in us and we were created as light beings and no one had a share in the likes of what He created us from, and He created the souls of our followers (Shia) from our clay and their bodies are from a clay that is safeguarded under that clay, and God did not make for anyone a share in the likes of what He created them from except for the Prophets, and for that reason we and them became The People (true humans) and the rest of the (apparent) people became beasts who are in the fire and to the fire.”
Here we see that the bodies of the Prophets, Messengers, and devoted followers (shia) of Mohammed’s Family (Ahlul-Bayt) are all purified and unlike the seed of the devil. The love of Mohammed’s Family (Ahlul-Bayt) became the purifier, identifier, and distinguisher of the children of Adam from the children of Cain.
The children of Adam (PBUH) were required in the Sixth Covenant to fulfill the pledge of allegiance they made to the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace). For the main commandment that Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) gave them was to love his Family and obey them. The duties the Adamites would have towards the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) would be that they prefer them over their own selves just as they did Mohammed, and everything they gave Mohammed they would give to his Family. As Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) said on the day of Ghadir Khum:
“Whoever I am the Master of, Ali is his Master.”
There were also taxes called the Fifth (khums) implemented which was literally equal to a fifth of every person’s income. This was to be given from every believer to the Prophet and the Imams after him and stored in the treasury (Bayt-ul-mal or house of funds) of the nation. This money was used for the state or whatever the Prophet or Imam deemed necessary. In the Holy Qur’an this tax of twenty percent is mentioned in the following verse:
“Know that whatever property you may gain, one-fifth belongs to God, the Messenger, the kindred, orphans, the needy and those who need money while on a journey. (This is the law) if you believe in God and what We revealed to Our Servant on the Day of Distinction (Badr) when the armies confronted each other. God has power over all things.”
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) instituted several practices to purify the believers from the impurities of Cain’s social, financial, and dietary habits, norms, and practices. First, he established the five canonical prayers (salat) in order to purify the hearts of people from the impurities of Cain’s ways. Second, the Fifth tax (khums) and charity (zakat) would purify the people’s money from the impurities of Cain’s ways. Third, fasting (siyam) was established to teach self-control, empathize with the hungry, and to purify one’s body from the food which had been affected in any way by Cain’s ways.
Love and obedience to the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) are only achieved by a person who is an offspring of Adam (PBUH). The rituals in Islam were designed to rid the person of the remnants of Satan within him and to bring forth the Adamite within. Every created being, including the descendants of Cain, would have an opportunity to cleanse themselves through the love of the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) and become from the descendants of Adam (PBUH). Physical ancestry no longer mattered in this Covenant. Just as Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) demonstrated when he said:
“Salman is from us, the Ahlul-Bayt.”
The ultimate goal of all creation was to become part of a united soul family, the Family of God (Ahlul-Bayt).
Allah instructed Mohammed to state:
“Say: “No reward do I ask of you for this except the love of those near of kin.”
There is a plethora of narrations that emphasize the importance of loving, obeying, and taking as leaders the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace). The Prophet equated treatment of them with treatment of him, for he said:
“Fatimah is from me, whoever harms her has harmed me, and whoever harms me has harmed God, and whoever harms God upon him is the curse of God, a curse which fills the heavens and the earth.”
He said:
“O Ali, no one loves you except for a believer and no one hates you except for a hypocrite.”
Now we know that the Guardianship (Wilayah) of the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) is the way we can distinguish between the sons of Iblis and Cain and between the sons of Adam (PBUH). Only the sons of Adam (PBUH) can bear the Guardianship (Wilayah) of the Family of Mohammed. The sons of Cain cannot. It is impossible that a son of Cain have love for Ali and his sons (From Them is Peace). However, the sons of Cain could bear the Guardianship (Wilayah) of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family). As a result, we see, in the lifetime of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), there were tens of thousands of believers in him. However, after he dies, only a few supported and remained with Ali (From Him is Peace).
The reason for this is that Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) only implemented a small part of the religion. He came as a mercy for all of the worlds, even the children of Cain. The Sixth Covenant offered an opportunity for all to come under the rule and Guardianship of God through Mohammed, in one way, shape, or form so long as they submitted to his authority. That which he was unable to implement in his lifetime would be delayed until a future time. If the people had obeyed and accepted the Guardianship (Wilayah) of God, or the Family of Mohammed, they would have received the remaining parts of religion. However, because they did not, and they continued to plot against the Family of Mohammed and murder them, humanity and specifically the Arabs, broke the Mohammedan Covenant. The Arabs awaited for each successor to be born from the Family of Mohammed in order that they imprison or murder them. Indeed, they murdered all of the Imams one by one, except for the Twelfth Imam, Mohammed ibn Al-Hassan Al-Askari, Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) who went into an absence as a child.
Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) sent many Messengers throughout the past 1,200 years and attempted to guide humanity. Most of the Messengers were belied, killed or tortured. Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) would not be the physical father of his successor, like his predecessors, but rather God decided to send the souls of the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) in seemingly random, undetectable bodies in order to hide and protect their identities from the seed of Iblis. The first of these successors to be sent in this manner was Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace). He declared himself the son and Messenger of Imam Mohammed ibn Al-Hassan Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) and God established with him a new Covenant. A Seventh and Final Covenant, in which he would spread the remaining parts of religion.
While the Covenant of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) seems like the easiest of Covenants to some, it was actually the hardest of them all. Because the prerequisite for upholding the Covenant was to obey Ali and his sons the same obedience one would have towards God Almighty and be willing to sacrifice their entire lives for them.
“Indeed, God has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have paradise. They strive in the cause of God, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah, the Gospels, and the Qur’an. And who is truer to His Covenant than God? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great achievement.”
So the Adamite must first believe in the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace), and belief is complete and total obedience without question or doubt. Then, they must be willing to offer to God one’s wealth, health, spouse, children, and self and all that one owns for the sake of the religion. This is not an easy task. But as Jesus (PBUH) said:
“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”
Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) were better than all of the Prophets and Messengers. They were the perfect reflection and manifestation of God in Creation (Allah fi-al-khalq).