Ever since the dawn of man, the children of Adam have always looked towards the sky and admired the stars. They have paid attention to the movement of the planets and the stars, mapped out the different constellations, and drew connections between the movements of the lights in the skies and the events on Earth. Even modern science has taught us that the full moon has an effect on the tides and on animal behavior. The people of old built temples dedicated to the stars and planets, and even built their cities to mimic their appearance in the night skies. In Door One of this Book, Eve (PBUH), while distressed, looked up to the sky and saw two lights and called upon them to inform Adam (PBUH) of her situation. It seems the angels appeared to Eve in the form of stars.
In the manuscript, Al-Haft Al-Shareef, Al-Mufaddel ibn Omar asked Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace):
“And what about the piercing stars that we see between the sky and the earth, spread out and hanging?” Imam Al-Sadiq replied: “Those are the light bodies that were made for the believers from their works. As such in the sky of bodies a sun and moon, seen by the ones unlike them in the manner which you see them, the honored light bodies. And in every sky of these seven Adamites is an Adam standing, fixed, on the same example of what Allah created of the first creation. And they have ranks in the skies, sky by sky, in accordance with their rank and degree.”
So, here we find Al-Mufaddel asking what are the stars and planets that we see shining in the sky, and Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) revealing that those objects in the night sky are actually the believers.
In the Gospel of Judas, it states:
“Jesus said to them, “Stop struggling against me. Each one of you has his own star, [and …] of the stars will […] what belongs to it […]. I wasn’t sent to the corruptible generation, but to the strong and incorruptible generation, because no enemy has ruled [over] that generation, nor any of the stars. Truly I say to you, the pillar of fire will fall quickly and that generation won’t be moved by the stars.”
In a conversation between Jesus (PBUH) and Judas in the same manuscript, it states:
“[Jesus] answered and said, “Your star has led you astray, Judas,” and that “no person of mortal birth is worthy to enter the house you’ve seen, because that place is reserved for those who are holy. Neither the sun nor the moon will rule there, nor the day, but those who are holy will always stand in the realm with the holy angels. Look, I’ve told you the mysteries of the kingdom and I’ve taught you about the error of the stars and […] sent [on high] over the twelve realms.”
In another part it states:
“Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, the stars complete all these things. When Saklas completes the time span that’s been determined for him, their first star will appear with the generations, and they’ll finish what’s been said. Then they’ll sleep around in my name, murder their children, and [they’ll …] evil and […] the realms, bringing the generations and presenting them to Saklas. [And] after that […] will bring the twelve tribes of [Israel] from […], and the [generations] will all serve Saklas, sinning in my name. And your star will [rule] over the thirteenth realm.” Then Jesus [laughed]. [Judas] said, “Master, why [are you laughing at me]?” Jesus answered [and said], “I’m not laughing [at you but] at the error of the stars, because these six stars go astray with these five warriors, and they’ll all be destroyed along with their creations.” Then Judas said to Jesus, “What will those do who’ve been baptized in your name?” Jesus said, “Truly I say [to you], this baptism [which they’ve received in] my name […] will destroy the whole generation of the earthly Adam. Tomorrow they’ll torture the one who bears me. Truly I [say] to you, no hand of a mortal human [will fall] upon me. Truly [I say] to you, Judas, those who offer sacrifices to Saklas […] everything that’s evil. But you’ll do more than all of them, because you’ll sacrifice the human who bears me. Your horn has already been raised, your anger has been kindled, your star has ascended, and your heart has [strayed]. Truly [I say to you], your last [… and] the [… the thrones] of the realm have [been defeated], the kings have grown weak, the angelic generations have grieved, and the evil [they sowed …] is destroyed, [and] the [ruler] is wiped out. [And] then the [fruit] of the great generation of Adam will be exalted, because before heaven, earth, and the angels, that generation from the realms exists. Look, you’ve been told everything. Lift up your eyes and see the cloud with the light in it and the stars around it. And the star that leads the way is your star.”
Clearly, Jesus (PBUH) says that every person who has a soul has a star and that the stars of the people can be seen plainly in the sky. He also indicates that the stars have an effect on people on Earth, hence he told Judas:
“Your star has ascended, and your heart has strayed.”
The traditions of the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) also mentioned that the origin of astrology and astronomy were the Prophets, specifically Idris (Enoch). They have also mentioned that this science was used to know the birthdates and death dates of humans.
Mohammed ibn Ghanim narrated that he said to Abi Abdillah (PBUH):
“We have a people who say that stars are more true than visions,” So he (PBUH) said: “This was true before the sun returned for Joshua son of Nun and Ali the Prince of the Believers, so when God returned the sun, astrologers have become confused, some of them get it right, others get it wrong.”
Abi Abdillah (PBUH) was asked about astrology, so he said:
“No one knows it except the people of a house from the Arabs, and the people of a house in India. And some astrologers told me that the ones who know the stars in India are the children of Enoch’s vicegerent (PBUH).”
In Bihar Al-Anwar we find:
“It was found in an ancient book on the authority of Atta who said: “It was said to Ali ibn Abi Talib (PBUH): Did the stars have an origin?” He said: “Yes, a Prophet from among the Prophets, his people said to him: ‘We do not believe in you until you teach us the births and deaths of creation.’ So, God Almighty commanded a cloud, so it rained for them, and clear water swamped around the mountain. Then God Almighty revealed to the sun, the moon, and the stars to run in that water, then God Almighty inspired that Prophet to ascend, he and his people, the mountain, so they ascended the mountain and stood over the water until they knew the births of creation and its deaths with the course of the sun, the moon and the stars and the hours of the night and day, and one of them would know when he would die and when he would fall sick, and who would have children born for him and who would not, so they remained like that for a while, then David (PBUH) fought them on the basis of disbelief, so they brought forth to David in the fight those whose time of death had not come yet, and those whose time of death had come they left them in their homes, so the companions of David (PBUH) would get killed but none of them would get killed! David (PBUH) said: ‘My Lord, I fight for your obedience, and these fight for your disobedience. My companions get killed but none of them gets killed.’ So God revealed to him: ‘I had taught them the births of creation and their deaths, so they brought out to you those whose time of death has not come yet, and those whose time of death has come they left behind in their homes, hence your companions would be killed, but none of them would be killed.’ So David (PBUH) said: ‘O Lord, by what did you teach them?’ He said: ‘By the course of the sun, the moon, the stars, and the hours of the night and the day.’ He said: “Then David called upon God, the Exalted, the Majestic, and He withheld the sun from them, so the day increased, and the increase was mixed with night and day, so they did not know the amount of the increase, so their calculations got mixed up.” Ali (PBUH) said: “From then on looking into the knowledge of the stars was hated.”
In Bihar Al-Anwar it states that the births of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed (PBUT) were all predicted by people who could read their coming in the stars or by the birth or appearance of new stars in the night sky. The following narration is found in the book Bihar Al-Anwar:
“As for the indications of the stars on Abraham (PBUH), the author of the book Al-Tajamol narrated that Azar the father of Abraham was an astrologer for Nimrod, and it was only by his command that he looked at the stars one night and in the morning he said to Nimrod: “I have seen wonders in the stars!” He said: “What is it?” He said: “I saw a child born in our time, our destruction would be at his hands, he will be conceived a short time from now.” He said he was surprised by that, then he said: “Have the women become pregnant with it yet?” He said: “No,” so he withheld the men from the women and did not leave a woman except that he put her in the city, and her husband has no access to her. So Azar had intercourse with his wife and she became pregnant with Abraham, and he thought he was the intended one, so he sent to the midwives of that time - and they were the most knowledgeable of people about the fetus and there is nothing in the womb except that they knew it- so they looked, and what was in the womb stuck to the back. So they said: “We do not see anything in her belly.” It was from the knowledge that was given that the newborn would be burnt in fire, and he was not given knowledge that God will save him from it. I narrated this narration on the authority of Ibrahim al-Khazzaz, on the authority of Abu Basir, on the authority of Abi Abdullah (PBUH) from an original that was read to Harun ibn Musa Al-Talakbari. It was also narrated by Ali ibn Ibrahim in the book Tafsir Al-Qur’an in simpler terms and it was also narrated by Abu Ja’far Mohammed ibn Jarir Al-Tabari in the first part of his book, Tarikh Al-Tabari and Saeed ibn Hebat Allah Al-Rawandi also narrated it in the Book of Stories of the Prophets, and it was narrated by Al-Tha’labi in his interpretation and other scholars.
Among those whose Prophethood and Message were foretold by the astrologers was Musa ibn Imran (PBUH) and the books of history and other types of books included what suffices, so we do not need to mention all the narrations. From these narrations is what was narrated by Al-Tha’labi in the book of Al-A’raes fil Majalis, and he said: “Pharaoh saw in his dream that a fire had come from Bait Al-Maqdis (Jerusalem) until it swallowed all the houses of Egypt and it burnt it and it burnt the Copts and left the Children of Israel. So, Pharaoh called the magicians, the priests, the interpreters, and the astrologers, and asked them about his vision.” They said to him: “A boy will be born from the Children of Israel, who will take away from you your kingdom, and overpower you in your rulership, and expel you and your people from your land, and humiliate your religion, and the time he will be born has approached.” Then they mentioned the birth of Moses (PBUH) and what Pharaoh did regarding killing male children, and we do not need to mention any of these parts here as it does not fit with the point we are making.
The ruling of astrologers regarding the birth of Moses (PBUH) and his Prophethood was mentioned by Al-Zamakhshari in the book Al-Kashaf. The hadith of the indication of the stars regarding the birth of Moses (PBUH) was narrated by Wahb ibn Manbah in the first part of the book Al-Mubtada’ in a simpler narration than the one from Al-Tha’labi, and Abu Ja’far ibn Babaweh mentioned in the book Al-Nobowa a narration about Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) and it says: A delegation of [the great] scholars of the Magi came to her, visiting her son and giving him great importance, they said: “We are a people that look at the stars. When your son was born a new star from the stars of Kingship appeared, we looked at it and we saw that his Kingship is a Kingship of Prophethood that never leaves him nor departs from him until he is raised to the sky, and he is next to his Lord, the Mighty and Sublime, as long as the world is in its place. Then he becomes a King and his Kingdom would last longer than what he was in. So, we came out from the East until we were raised to this place so we saw the star looking at him from above him, so this is how we came to know his location and we have brought him a gift which we made as an offering, the likes of which no one has received before, that is because we have found that this offering, its conditions is like him: It is gold, myrrh, and frankincense, because gold is the master of all goods, and your son is the master of people as long as he lives, and because myrrh heals wounds, madness, and all defects, and because frankincense its smoke reaches the sky and the smoke of nothing else shall reach the sky. As such is your son, God Almighty raises him to the heavens and no one from the people of his time gets raised except him.” I found in the book Dala’el Al-Nobowa collected by Abu Al-Qasim Al-Husayn ibn Mohammed Al-Sakuni, narrated on the authority of Mohammed ibn Ali ibn Al-Husayn, on the authority of Al-Hassan ibn Abdullah ibn Ghanem, on the authority of Hanad, on the authority of Yunus, on the authority of Abu Ishaq, on the authority of Salih ibn Ibrahim, on the authority of Abd Al-Rahman ibn Asaad, on the authority of Ibn Musayyib, on the authority of Hassan ibn Thabit, he said: “By God, I was a boy around the age of seven or eight, I understood well everything that I heard, I heard a Jew while he was on the hill of Yathrib screaming: ‘O Jews,’ when they gathered, they said: ‘Woe to you! What is wrong with you?’ He said: ‘The star of Ahmed has risen, with which he will be sent tonight.’ ” I found a book with us now called The Chinese Hand written by Kashina, king of India, which mentions in detail the indication of the stars on the Prophethood of our Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family). We have mentioned what the Master mentioned about Hercules and Khosrow, and them looking at the stars in order to know about the Prophethood of our Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, in the chapter of ‘Glad tidings about his arrival’ and the chapter of his birth.”
Also in the Bible, we find this fact confirmed in the story of the three Magi and the birth of Jesus in the book of Matthew Chapter 2:
“After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.” When King Herod heard this he was disturbed, and all Jerusalem with him. When he had called together all the people’s chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. “In Bethlehem in Judea,” they replied, “for this is what the Prophet has written: ‘But you, Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for out of you will come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.’ ” Then Herod called the Magi secretly and found out from them the exact time the star had appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the child. As soon as you find him, report to me, so that I too may go and worship him.” After they had heard the king, they went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route.”
There is a plethora of traditions that mention how the planets and other celestial bodies are connected to human beings on Earth. Ibn Kathir says in his interpretation of verse 102 of Surah Al-Baqarah (Holy Qur’an, Chapter 2):
“God Almighty said to the angels, “Come, two angels of the angels, so that they may be brought down to the Earth, and let us see how they act.” They said: “Our Lord, Harut and Marut.” So they descended to the Earth, and Venus appeared to them as a woman from the best of human beings. She came to them, and they asked to have intercourse with her, but she said, “No, by Allah, not until you speak this word of polytheism.” They said: “No, by Allah, we shall never be polytheists.” So she left and returned with a boy she was carrying. They asked to have intercourse with her. She said: “No, by Allah, until you kill that boy.” So they said: “No, by Allah, we shall never kill him,” So she left and returned with a jug of wine, they asked to have intercourse with her, and she said: “No, by Allah, until you drink from this wine.” So they drank from it and became drunk and slept with her, and they killed the boy. When they woke up the woman said to them: “By Allah, there was nothing of the things you denied me except that you did them when you were drunk.” So they were given the choice between the torment of this world or the hereafter, and they chose the torment of this world.”
This was narrated by Abu Hatim ibn Hibban in his Sahih.” Ibn Kathir narrates the same story on the authority of the Prince of the Believers Ali ibn Abi Talib (From Him is Peace).
In another tradition in Al-Kafi, Aba Abdillah (PBUH) was asked:
“What about the stars, are they true?” He said: “Yes, God sent Jupiter to the Earth in the form of a man, who took a non-Arab man and taught him the stars until he thought he had reached completion of knowledge. Then he said to him: ‘Look, where is Jupiter?’ The non-Arab man said: ‘I cannot see him in the stars, and I do not know where he is.’ Then he put him aside and took a man from India and taught him until he thought he reached completion of knowledge. He asked him: ‘Look at Jupiter, where is he?’ He said: ‘According to my calculations, it is you!’ He gasped and died, and his family inherited his knowledge, so the knowledge is there.”
There has also been a plethora of traditions which speak about the effects the planetary bodies have on the living beings on Earth:
“Then Abi Abdillah (PBUH) said to him: “You have spoken the truth. So what is the name of the star that if it rises, the camels will rage?” Al-Yamani said: “I do not know.” Abi Abdillah (PBUH) said to him: “You have spoken the truth. What is the name of the star that if it rises, the cows will rage?” Al-Yamani said: “I do not know.” Abi Abdillah (PBUH) said to him: “You have spoken the truth. What is the name of the star that if it rises, the dogs will rage?” Al-Yamani said: “I do not know.” Abi Abdillah (PBUH) said to him: “You have spoken the truth when you said: I do not know. What is Saturn in your stars?” Al-Yamani said: “It is a star of bad omen.” Abi Abdillah (PBUH) said: “Do not say this, for it is the star of the Prince of the Believers, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, for it is the star of the vicegerents (PBUT) and it is the Piercing Star (Al-Najm Al-Thaqib) that God mentioned in his book.” Al-Yamani said: “What is meant by ‘Piercing’ (Al-Thaqib)?” He said: “Its beginning is in the seventh heaven, and its light pierced it until it shone in the lowest heaven, therefore God called it the Piercing Star (Al-Najm Al-Thaqib).” Then he said: “O brother of the Arabs, is there a scholar amongst you?” Al-Yamani said: “Yes, may I be your ransom, for there are people in Yemen who are not like any of the people in their knowledge.”
The people of old used to worship the planetary bodies. The ancient Egyptians used to worship Sirius and even the Holy Qur’an states:
“And verily He is the Lord of Sirius.”
The Qur’an also mentions Abraham (PBUH) looking into the stars:
“So he took one look at the stars and said I am sick.”
It also mentions Abraham (PBUH) looking into the Kingdom of the Heavens and pondering over whether or not his Lord was the sun or moon or a planet.
And thus did We show Abraham the realm of the heavens and the earth that he would be among the certain [in faith]. So when the night covered him [with darkness], he saw a star. He said, “This is my lord.” But when it set, he said, “I like not those that set [i.e., disappear].” And when he saw the moon rising, he said, “This is my lord.” But when it set, he said, “Unless my Lord guides me, I will surely be among the people gone astray.” And when he saw the sun rising, he said, “This is my lord; this is greater.” But when it set, he said, “O my people, indeed I am free from what you associate with Allah. Indeed, I have turned my face [i.e., self] toward He who created the heavens and the earth, inclining toward truth, and I am not of those who associate others with Allah.”
The idea of planets or stars being people is further confirmed in Chapter 12 of the Holy Qur’an (Surah Yusuf) where the interpretation of the sun is Jacob, the moon is Rachel, and the planets are the brothers of Joseph (PBUH). Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) provides another interpretation in the Book of Monotheism where Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) is the sun, Ali (From Him is Peace) is the moon, and the Imams (From Them is Peace) are the planets. In all cases, the meaning of planetary bodies in dreams are people. It is like seeing their souls in the dream world.
And in the Book of Al-Ghayba it was narrated that Abu Ja’far (From Him is Peace) said:
“We are like the stars of the sky. Whenever a star disappears, [another] star rises, until the matter to which you point with your fingers and regarding which you raise your eyebrow comes, then God will hide your star from you, and the children of Abdul-Muttalib will appear similar and it will not be known which is which, so if your star rises, praise your Lord.”
In fact, in the narrations about the signs of the emergence of Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) there exist narrations about the appearance of the Red Planet. In the book 250 Signs until the Appearance of the Mahdi by Mohammed Ali Al-Tabatabei under sign number 190 titled, “A Red Planet with two Comets that almost meet,” it states:
“Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said: “The rise of the planet with two comets that terrifies the Arabs and it is a planet in the East that shines as the moon shines.” In the book Mashareq Anwar Al-Yaqeen it states: “And that is at the time of the rising of the planet which terrifies the Arabs and it resembles a comet, it is then that the rain shall cease and the rivers shall dry up and the storms shall vary and the prices in all countries shall rise.”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) was once asked, “Is the Red Planet Prophet Jesus (PBUH)? And if he is not the Red Planet, is he already amongst us? And when will he emerge?”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) responded, “He is amongst you, and he is apparent, God willing. And he is not Prophet Jesus (PBUH).”
So, the Imam had now confirmed that the Red Planet is actually an individual who appears. On another date, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) revealed that the Red Planet is the Riser/Qaim of the Family of Mohammed. The only planet known as the Red Planet is Mars. Mars has two moons that resemble comets in shape, one called Phobos (fear) and the other Deimos (terror and dread).
One day I was speaking to Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace), and I said to him, “My Father, the Mandaeans, the followers of John the Baptist that are present in Iraq, said something in their writings that made me pay attention. They said Abdullah son of Abdul-Muttalib, the father of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) is the appearance of the planet Mars. They also said Mars is a war planet. You had told me previously that I am the Red Planet mentioned in the traditions that has two comets. Mars is known as the Red Planet and has two comets like moons called Phobos and Deimos. By my calculations, I wanted to ask you, am I Mars?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) responded, “Yes son, you are him.”
I asked, “So are my actions on Earth controlled or affected by its movements?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “Yes, it affects it by 89 percent.”
Thus, we can see that much of the circumstances and factors that define the pathways of our lives are literally written in the cosmos by 89%. For example, where, when, to whom you were born, life expectancy, all can be read in the stars.
My conversation continued with the Imam (From Him is Peace), “I was speaking with Dr. Salah El-Khouly today and we had a discussion about how the ancient Egyptians used to believe that the souls of the righteous become stars in the sky. You had also told me that the star Sirius was the creator of this universe. Are the stars and the planetary bodies souls? Is the star Sirius Iblis?”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “I shall tell you, yes it is true.”
I said, “And Adam is Earth? And we are living on him?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “Yes, it is true.”
I thought to myself, “Glory be to God, indeed Earth is created from clay and Sirius from fire” and I recited to myself the verse: “[Allah] said, “What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?” [Satan] said, “I am better than him. You created me from fire and created him from clay. ”
In terms of the connection between the Riser of the Family of Mohammed and Egypt, and the Riser being the Companion of Egypt, it has been narrated that the Arabic name of the city of Cairo (Al-Qahira), meaning “the Vanquisher/Conqueror”, is derived from the name Al-Najm Al-Qahir, meaning “the Vanquishing/Conquering Star” and it is the name of planet Mars as it was known amongst the Arabs.
Now it is clear for you, why and how the ancient worship of the stars and planetary bodies came to be. The people of old knew that the stars and planetary bodies were souls and would request things by praying to these souls in the skies much as one would request something from one of the Imams by visiting and praying at his mausoleum. This is also how the worship of these bodies came to be in ancient Egypt, Rome, Greece, India, and almost every part of the world. Those in the know and the elite in this day and age still know these matters and have hidden it in plain sight. For example, in Walt Disney’s Pinocchio you have the song, When you wish upon a Star, that says quite plainly in its lyrics:
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longing
Like a bolt, out of the blue
Suddenly it comes in view
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
When a star is born
They possess a gift or two
One of them is this
They have the power
To make a wish come true
When you wish upon a star
Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires
Will come to you
If your heart is in your dream
No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star
As dreamers do
Fate is kind
She brings to those who love
The sweet fulfillment of
Their secret longings, ooh
Like a bolt, out of the blue
Suddenly it comes in view
When you wish upon a star
Your dreams come true
We have in modern culture games such as Super Mario Brothers displaying themes such as the touching of stars or gathering of stars. You have people who are celebrities being called “stars” because they are elevated above others and their wishes came true. You also have people like Mark Twain having had the ability to calculate their birth and death by identifying their heavenly twin. In 1909, Mark Twain said: “I came in with Halley’s Comet in 1835. It is coming again next year, and I expect to go out with it. It will be the greatest disappointment of my life if I don’t go out with Halley’s Comet. The Almighty has said, no doubt: ‘Now here are these two unaccountable freaks; they came in together, they must go out together.’ ” Twain was born just after Halley’s Comet appeared in 1835, and died of a heart attack one day after it appeared at its brightest in 1910.
Perhaps one of the greatest facts about Freemasonry is that they actually worship the star Sirius. Sirius for them represents the letter G or God and it is the sun behind the sun. They consider Sirius to be the source of the sun’s power and the divine light behind all creation. Sirius, which is located in the constellation Canis Major, is known as the Dog Star and Dog is God spelled backwards. The Freemasons worship the soul of Iblis or Satan, the blazing star, Sirius. That is how and from where they derive their power and influence. We have previously demonstrated in our former works that the Freemasons worship the one eye of Satan. We live in a universe created by Sirius, the soul of Iblis, and we live on the soul of Adam, Earth, where the worshipers and children of Sirius currently rule. Sirius has been the most dominant and apparent star in our galaxy.
Here we provide a picture of the Canis Major constellation (Figure 1), and the star Sirius, also known as the Dog Star, worshiped by Freemasonry (Figure 2):
Figure 1: Canis Major
Figure 2: Sirius (The Dog Star)