Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) is the companion of the final and greatest Covenant. This Covenant is the culmination of all of the efforts of the Prophets, Messengers, and righteous people from the time of Adam (PBUH) until today. The companion of the final Covenant appears and validates all of the previous Covenants of the previous Prophets and Messengers. He unites the world under the truth and returns it to the Divine Edenic-like Just State in which there is no poverty, no wars, no diseases, no death, and no rule for the sons of Satan. This is far from being an easy job. It is the most difficult job, and it was what all of the Prophets and Messengers sought to accomplish but were unable to accomplish in their lifetimes.
As we have demonstrated in the past six Covenants in the Book, humanity was created in the image of God, and our father Adam (PBUH) was appointed King over creation. The sons and daughters of Adam were the royal heirs of the Earth and all that is on it. A single mistake, act of disobedience, and transgression against Lady Fatimah Al-Zahra (From Her is Peace) caused Adam (PBUH) to have to bear the consequences of his actions, life on Earth with his enemy and the descendants of his enemy, Iblis, locked together on Earth in an ongoing struggle over the throne.
The mere existence of the children of Cain would cause an endless amount of suffering, beginning with the murder of Abel at the hands of Cain and continuing on with Cain and his children committing all kinds of crimes and sins. These sins and crimes caused new laws to be implemented which further restricted the freedoms that Adam and Eve (PBUT) once enjoyed in the Garden of Eden. The world became a place of suffering and the goal of Adam’s children would be to return humanity to the Garden of Eden, rather to turn the entire Earth into a Divine Edenic-like State that humanity once lived in. This could only be accomplished if the descendants of Adam (PBUH) ruled.
We established in the previous six Doors that the children of Cain by nature were savages, criminals, and evil-doers who would constantly be corrupting in the land. God gave them many opportunities and repeatedly had to wipe them out through punishments after they murdered every son of the light that was sent to them. We established that the true King appointed by God is a son of Adam (PBUH) for it is the sons of Adam that God blew His Holy Spirit into. We established that Adam was a King and he was given absolute authority over all things. We established through David (PBUH) that the ruler appointed by God is immune from prosecution and is above the law. It is established in the scriptures that the ruler appointed by God was identified by the people through the law of identifying the Proof of God: 1) The Will; 2) The Knowledge; 3) Calling to the Supremacy of God.
The Will means that the ruler is divinely appointed and his name is clearly mentioned in the Will of the person who is appointing him, his predecessor. Adam (PBUH) for example is appointed by God as is evident in the Holy Qur’an:
“Indeed, I will make upon the Earth a caliph.”
We see that Adam (PBUH) appoints Abel and Seth. We see that Noah (PBUH) appoints Shem. We see that Moses (PBUH) appoints Aaron and Joshua son of Nun (PBUT). We see many examples of divine appointment in the scriptures, where Prophets appoint their successors.
The Knowledge means that the divinely appointed Messenger and ruler has God-given knowledge that allows him to know the unseen and answer people’s questions, specifically in these great matters that are only revealed by a divine Messenger, the matters that are referred to as the greatest of matters or Aza’im Al-O’moor. We have this criteria of knowledge in the Holy Qur’an in these following verses in regards to the appointment of Adam (PBUH) as the Caliph of Allah:
“And He taught Adam all of the names; then he presented them to the angels, and said, “Tell Me the names of these, if you are sincere.”
The Call to the Supremacy of God means that the Messenger of God always calls towards the Supremacy of God and does not call to the supremacy of the people. This means that the only person who can rule the people is somebody who is appointed by God and calls the people to God. He is the Philosopher King or the Divine Ruler. The appointment of Adam (PBUH) meant that he is the Ruler, the King, the Prime Minister, and the President. He is the one entrusted by God to execute the will of God on Earth. Hence, the concept of the Supremacy of God means that the person who is holding the affairs of humanity has to be somebody chosen, selected, and appointed by God. He is not elected by people or chosen on the basis of people’s subjective self-interest, the interest of a political party, or the biases of any particular group. God chooses based on what is good for all of humanity’s spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. Jesus (PBUH) said:
“I seek not my own will but the will of my Father who sent me.”
So how does God make His appointment clearly known? Just as Adam (PBUH) was identified by divine appointment by God, by having the names of all things (knowledge), and by calling to the Supremacy of God (by being the appointed Caliph of God in the land). A person cannot identify the ruler appointed by God by worldly standards, such as physical characteristics, social status, marital status, popularity, wealth, and the like. For God sent rulers such as Solomon (PBUH) who were extremely rich and had hundreds of wives. He also sent rulers who had little to no material riches such as Jesus (PBUH). We established that the laws change according to the circumstances of the time and age. The actions of the appointed rulers of God may not always be well understood or appear as a norm in the society in which they lived. Just as we demonstrated with the actions of David, Lot, and Jesus (PBUT), one can never object to the divine ruler or King appointed by God. Absolute and total obedience is necessary in all cases and situations. We also established through Ali (PBUH) and his sons, the Imams and the Mahdis, that the way we can identify a son of Adam from a son of Cain, is through their love and allegiance to the divinely appointed ruler in their time. Anyone who accepts and loves and is a loyal follower (Shia) of the divinely appointed King is a child of Adam, and those who reject and are hostile are a child of the devil.
When looking back at all of this, the story of humanity from Adam (PBUH) until today, we realize that our true religion is one thing, obedience to the divinely appointed King. Our story is a story of a throne, rulership, and land usurped by the sons of Iblis, that old king who refuses to accept God’s choice of King. Our story is the story of a King who has been ousted (Adam and his descendants) and a struggle to restore him to his throne and give ability to his children in the land. That is the entirety of religion and its purpose, to allow God’s rule on the Earth, a rule which will spread justice and equality throughout the land. Religion was twisted and corrupted by the children of Cain. They made it to be a thing where the rule of a country becomes separate from the religion, the so-called separation of Church and State. The idea that we accept Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Krishna, etc. as long as they are not in a position to rule over us. We accept them as Sunday school teachers. This was not how God intended it to be. Religion was not about following a set of rituals, such as cleansing rituals or certain prayer rituals, but rather it was about obedience and allegiance to the divinely appointed King, and that King represented God’s rule on Earth. God never intended to be absent from people’s lives or the affairs of this world, God wanted to guarantee the establishment of justice and equality on the Earth through the appointment of His Messengers as divine rulers, those Messengers who have been persecuted, tortured, and killed throughout history because they defended God’s justice and defended God’s rule on Earth, the Supremacy of God.
So we believe that all of the problems that are on the Earth are due to the fact that the rulers that are ruling the Earth are not divinely appointed and most of them are not even children of Adam. Abi Khalid Al-Kabuli narrated that Abi Abdillah (PBUH) said:
“God the Exalted made religion two states: the state of Adam, and it is the state of God, and the state of Iblis. So when God wants to be worshiped publicly it would be the state of Adam, and if God wanted to be worshiped in secret, it would be the state of Iblis, and the one who makes public what God wanted to conceal has exited out of religion.”
Therefore, we can clearly see that religion is tied to divine rulership. For the whole religion is rulership. Verily, God says:
“Indeed, I will make upon the Earth a caliph.”
Now we understand that the Mahdis (divinely appointed Guides) are actually not just spiritual leaders but Kings with political and spiritual authority on Earth. Today, the so-called State of Israel believes they are entitled by God to have a country for Jews, and they define Jewish identity not just by faith, but also by biological lineage through the mother. Similarly, we believe that we, those who believe in the Mahdis mentioned in the Will of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) are not just united by faith, but we also believe we are united through lineage as we believe we are all related and of one race, the sons of Adam (PBUH). However, unlike a biological race, we are a spiritual lineage. Any human being can choose to become part of this lineage, this soul family, by purifying themselves, giving victory to the light within, defeating darkness, and submitting to the divinely appointed ruler.
The soul sons of Adam (PBUH) now constitute the soul family of Aal Al-Mahdi (Family of the Mahdi). As we have shown throughout the previous Doors, those who carry the seed of Adam (PBUH) are naturally inclined to the vicegerent of God, love, justice, and goodness. They are children of the light, while the seed of Satan are inherently impure and prone to oppression and evil. God’s ultimate purpose and plan is to purify the Earth from the remnants of Satan that have caused mayhem, chaos, and oppression through seizing authority from the rightful heirs, the children of Adam (PBUH). After thousands of years of genetic mixing between the children of Adam (PBUH) and the children of Satan, mutations, and epigenetics, the Seventh Covenant establishes our new bonds, identity, and laws based on our “Spiritual Race” or spiritual lineage. Biological race, fascist-style eugenics, and genetic claims to religious and/or secular authority and rulership will be eliminated. All of these standards are false and the root cause of tyranny, oppression, and injustice on the Earth. The Seventh Covenant comes with knowledge of the soul in order to eliminate all the false identities that have caused so much misery.
As stated earlier, religion at its core is tied to divine rulership and sovereignty (Wilayah). It is an idea that is well established in the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church is one of the longest standing and wealthiest institutions in the world and it bases its authority and sovereignty on this principle derived from the following verse:
“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Just as the Catholics believe it is important for their spiritual leader, the Pope, to be empowered as the head of his own sovereign state, the Vatican, with its own laws, we too believe it is important to have the Mahdis be heads of their own state with its own laws being implemented. We believe that it is God’s promise that one day in this lifetime of ours, we shall be granted our own land to rule. The Divine Just State is the promise of God and the inheritance of the Children of Adam (PBUH). The type of rule which would exist in the Divine Just State would be a rule based on equality and justice for all, where people of all faiths and denominations would be allowed to practice their faith freely in our state, under the flag of the Supremacy of God.
To further demonstrate the point that the Catholics believe that the vicegerent of Jesus, i.e. the Pope according to them, has heavenly and earthly rule and authority, here is the flag, emblem, and seal of the Catholic State, the Vatican City State (Figure 1) in which you can see two keys, the gold representing authority in heaven and the silver representing authority on earth. The crown you see on the flag as well shows clearly that the Catholics understand the Pope to be a king with divine authority:
Figure 1: Flag of the Vatican City State
Similarly, we find this concept in Buddhism, where the Dalai Lama (Tenzin Gyasto) is the head of state and spiritual leader of the Tibetan people. In Islam, Shias today claim similar authority and rulership with the Rule of the Jurisprudent (Wilayat Al-Faqih) and to some degree, their Marjas are given the same stature. In the Sunni world, we see the king of Jordan claiming authority through his supposed Hashemite lineage to Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) and he proclaims himself to be the custodian of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. The Wahabi rulers of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia also claim Prophetic authority, as well as declaring themselves to be the custodians of the two holy shrines in Mecca and Medina.
In the Seventh Covenant, because lineage will be soul-based, the Mahdis will not necessarily be physical descendants of one another. They may have multiple, hybrid, and mixed heritage in the physical sense. The world has not witnessed a Kingdom where its successors come from different genealogies, nationalities, ethnicities, languages, or religious groups for that matter. We have not had a Kingdom of different nationalities and inheritors of one another. Amr ibn Shimr narrated that Jabir said:
A man entered upon Abi Ja’far Al-Baqir (PBUH) and said to him: “May Allah keep you healthy, please take these five hundred dirhams from me,” So Abu Ja’far (PBUH) said to him: “You take it, spend it on your neighbors from the people of Islam and the poor ones from your Muslim brothers,” then he said: “If the Riser/Qaim of the Ahlul-Bayt rises, he shall divide equally, and he shall be fair to the people, whoever obeys him has obeyed God and whoever disobeys him disobeyed God, and he is called a Guide because he guides to a matter which has been previously hidden/unknown, and he shall bring forth the Torah and the rest of the books of God out of a cave in Antioch. He shall then rule between the people of the Torah by the Torah and between the people of the Gospels by their Gospels, and between the people of the Psalms (Zabur) by their Psalms (Zabur), and between the people of the Qur’an by their Qur’an. And the money of the world is gathered for him, from the inner of the earth and from the top of it. And he shall say to the people: ‘Come to that which you cut ties with your families over, and that which you spilt blood over, and that which you did what God forbade over,’ and the Riser/Qaim will be given what no one was given before him and he shall fill the Earth with justice and equity and light as it had been filled with injustice and oppression and evil.”
Clearly, we see that even in the Divine Just State, peoples of other faiths will live in this State with the freedom to practice their faith. They will be ruled by their own scriptures and not by the Jurisprudence or laws of Islam. Rather, freedom of religion is preserved in the Divine Just State. In fact, all religions are united and are considered to be all parts of one giant family of faith. By revealing the Seventh Covenant, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) establishes a new Covenant based on our spiritual identity. He validates the previous Covenants and the Prophets of those Covenants, both the Prophets who were companions of a Covenant and the Prophets who followed under that Covenant in the generations after. To validate something means to make or declare it legally valid.
Therefore, it is narrated about the Riser/Qaim that he will reinstate laws from previous Covenants, and will judge and rule at times by ways of the previous Prophets and Messengers. Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) has therefore started this process by publicly confirming and validating Prophets and Messengers of various religions around the world as being true Prophets and Messengers from God. He also revealed that many of the world’s greatest thinkers, philosophers, scientists, and mathematicians were divinely inspired Prophets and Messengers, and we believe in them, in the same way as we believe in Mohammed (PBUH & His Family). Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) has said: “Our constitution states that all the Prophets and Messengers are one and we do not differentiate between any of God’s Prophets, Messengers, or Vicegerents.” Abu Dharr narrated that he asked the Prophet of Allah, Mohammed (PBUH & His Family):
“O Messenger of Allah, how many were the Prophets in number?” And Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) replied: “One hundred and twenty-four thousand Prophets,” and so Abu Dharr asked: “And from that (number), how many were the Messengers?” to which he (PBUH & His Family) replied: “Three hundred and thirteen Messengers.”
There are under thirty Prophets that have been explicitly named in the Holy Qur’an and under one hundred explicitly named in the Torah and Gospels, most of which are the same. Here is a list of some of the Prophets and Messengers named in the Qur’an, Gospels, and Torah:
Those Judeo-Christian-Islamic Prophets mentioned above are all part of the one hundred and twenty-four thousand Prophets and Messengers who were sent to the Earth. However, there still remain over one hundred thousand who were unknown. Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) has begun to reveal those Prophets who were previously unknown to be Prophets by Jews, Christians, and Muslims. Here are just a few examples:
These are just a few names of some of the one hundred and twenty-four thousand Prophets who were sent to the Earth who Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) confirmed as true Prophets of God. Almost all religions in the world were originally created by a true Prophet or Messenger of God. For God sent Prophets and Messengers to every corner of the Earth. The Holy Qur’an states:
“And for every community or a nation (ummah), there is a Messenger; when their Messenger comes, the matter will be judged between them with justice, and they will not be wronged.”
Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) had long alluded to the fact that there were Prophets and Messengers that the people did not know about. In the Holy Qur’an, it states:
“And, indeed We have sent Messengers before you; of some of them We have related to you their story and of some We have not related to you their story, and it was not given to any Messenger that he should bring a sign except by the Leave of Allah. So, when the Commandment of Allah comes, the matter will be decided with truth, and the followers of falsehood will then be lost.”
He (PBUH & His Family) even mentioned names when he said:
“I am the Aristotle of this nation.” In another occasion, it was narrated: “Amr ibn Al-Aas came from Alexandria, Egypt and approached the Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family) and the Prophet asked him: “What did you see there?” Amr responded, “I saw a people (believing in the teachings of Aristotle) and gathering in circles and mentioning a man named Aristotle may God curse him.” The Prophet (PBUH & His Family) said, “Stop O Amr! Verily Aristotle was a Prophet but his people did not recognize him as such.”
This means that every religion from the ancient Egyptian mystery religions to the ancient Greek religions to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Manichaeism are all based on true revelations from God, although every religion has become corrupted and falsehoods have entered into it through means of non-working scholars and enemies of the faith, just as it has with Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) has stated that ninety-nine percent of religion is wrong, not ninety-nine percent of all religions, ninety-nine percent of each religion, even Islam. Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) seeks to unite all religions, and show the falsehoods and show the truths in every one of them, thus uniting all Covenants, all messages from all Prophets under one divine Covenant and message, the Seventh Covenant.
Unfortunately, the sons of Satan that are on the Earth have taken religion as a means of controlling and oppressing people and have taken religion as a means to separate people and cause wars in the name of God. Due to the corruption of the teachings and words of the Prophets and Messengers, the sons of Satan, led by their non-working scholars, will fight the Qaim/Riser on his mission to unite humanity. The twelve Imams (From Them is Peace) have said:
“When Imam Mahdi emerges he shall not have a more clear enemy than the religious scholars, and for that reason he and the sword are brothers, because if it were not for the sword, the religious scholars would have issued decrees that he be killed, but God makes him appear with the sword and with generosity and kindness so that they may obey him and fear him and accept his judgment without believing in it, rather they hold within their hearts the opposite of belief.”
In another tradition, Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) says:
“If the Riser/Qaim emerges there shall not be between him and the Arabs and the Persians except for the sword.”
These two traditions tell us that the number one enemies of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) will be the religious scholars of all religions but most specifically, the religious scholars of Islam, Sunni and Shiite. Not because it is the Riser/Qaim who wishes to impose on them his faith, but rather it is them that issue religious decrees to kill the Riser/Qaim first and declare him an apostate and seek to eliminate and kill him and his companions first.
The Seventh Covenant is difficult and heavy upon the Arabs especially. This is why the traditions from the Ahlul-Bayt (From Them is Peace) record them as saying:
“The Qaim/Riser shall rise with a new matter, and a new book, and a new jurisprudence/rule which will be hard for the Arabs.”
In other traditions:
“He will come with a new religion which is difficult for the Arabs (to accept).”
In fact, the opposition to the unification of religions is so strong that at points the Riser/Qaim is forced to defend himself even from some of his own followers once he starts actually reviving all of the previous Covenant laws and practices and uniting all of the world’s religions into one. Abi Baseer narrated that Abi Ja’far (From Him is Peace) said:
The Qaim goes forth judging cases which some of his companions who fought ahead of him in battle reject, and it is the judgment of Adam (PBUH), so the Riser/Qaim brings forth the men who objected and strikes their necks, then he judges the second case and another people who fought with him in battle shall reject it, and it is the judgment of David (PBUH), so he brings them forth and strikes their necks, and then he judges a third case, and another people who fought alongside him in battle shall reject, and it is the judgment of Abraham (PBUH), so he brings them forth and strikes their necks, then he judges a fourth case and it is by the judgment of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) and none shall reject it.
The Riser/Qaim in traditions of the Family of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) even starts his Call and gathers his companions by speaking in Hebrew. Al-Mufaddel ibn Omar said that Abu Abdullah (From Him is Peace) said:
“When God gives permission, the Imam shall call upon God by His Hebrew name upon which his three hundred and thirteen companions shall come forth to him like the leaves of autumn, and they are the companions of the banners, and some of them will go missing from their bed at night and wake up in Mecca, and others will be seen in the clouds during the day, he will be known by his name and the name of his father and his lineage.” I said: “May I be your ransom, who is greater in faith?” He said: “The ones who go forth in the clouds during the day and they are the missing ones, and concerning them the verse came down: ‘Wherever you shall be, God shall gather you all.’ ”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) started the Seventh Covenant by using the Star of David with the name Ahmed in it as a seal and symbol of his Call. The Arab and Muslim world’s reaction to the use of this symbol is tragic. Although Muslims believe that the Torah is from God and the Prophets and Messengers of Judaism include David and Solomon (PBUT), they have accused their own Mahdi and Savior of being an Israeli agent, a Mossad agent, an American agent. This is due to their ignorance of Prophetic traditions concerning the advent of Imam Mahdi. In fulfillment of the prophecies, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) came with the Star of Prophet David (PBUH), and he is the inheritor of the Prophets and Messengers. The racism and ignorance of most of the Arabs and Persians and their hatred of the Jews will make them take the Riser/Qaim as an enemy, and never accept anything that they consider to be of Jewish nature, heritage, or origin. The racism and ignorance of some of the Pakistani Muslims and their hatred of Hindus and Indians will make them take the Riser/Qaim as an enemy when they hear that Krishna, Arjuna, the Buddha, and others were Prophets and Messengers.
There has never been another Covenant that sought to unite all of the world religions in truth such as the Seventh Covenant. Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) attempted to unite the People of the Book under the banner of Submission to the One God (Islam), but the religions which he tried to unite were all Semitic, and mainly Jewish-based religions, for the Holy Qur’an mentions the Jews, the Christians, and the Mandaeans for the most part along with their books, and Prophets. The Seventh Covenant is the only Covenant that seeks to revive and unite every religion whose origin was a Prophet, worldwide from Adam’s time until today.
The sign of the Seventh Covenant is the six-pointed star, commonly known as the Star of David (Figure 2). It is a symbol of the universe, both the physical and non-physical realms. Thus, we can see that this final and most complete Covenant is the everlasting Covenant that is for the entire universe. It is God’s Covenant with all of creation. One of the things that makes this Covenant special and unique compared to the previous Covenants is that it is a Covenant with the souls.
Figure 2: Symbol of the Ahmadi Covenant
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If we look at the First Covenant, we see that Adam’s Covenant was established between God and Adam (PBUH). The Second Covenant was between God, Noah (PBUH), and his family. The Third Covenant was between God, Abraham (PBUH), and his family. The Fourth Covenant was between God and Moses, and Abraham’s descendants, the Israelites. The Fifth Covenant was between God, Jesus (PBUH), and the Ishmaelites (Arabs), who were also the children of Abraham. The Sixth Covenant was between God, Mohammed, and the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace), and it was a Covenant for all the worlds. This Seventh Covenant now is no longer based on physical ancestry and is not with the bodies but it is a Covenant between God and the souls instead, the righteous souls.
Just as the laws changed from Covenant to Covenant, adjusting itself and evolving according to the time and circumstances, as such, the Seventh Covenant comes with its own jurisprudence and set of laws appropriate for this time, age, and people. What is appropriate from the previous Covenants, God keeps them in this Covenant, and everything other than that is null and void and new laws are added. Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) have told us that when the Riser/Qaim comes, he will change the religion drastically. Imam Al-Baqir (From Him is Peace) said:
“If the Riser/Qaim rises (PBUH) he shall destroy everything that came before him, just as the Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family) did, and he shall establish a new Islam.”
A new Islam means that the Islam that the Riser/Qaim brings shall be almost entirely different than the Islam that Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) came with and the Islam that is currently practiced today. Essentially, it is a new religion. Al-Hassan ibn Harun said:
“I was at Aba Abdillah’s house (PBUH) when he was asked, ‘Shall the Qaim, when he rises, do differently than the way that Ali (PBUH) did?’ So he responded: ‘Yes.’ ”
Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said:
“The Qaim shall not emerge until he reads two declarations, one in Al-Basra, and another declaration in Kufa, both declaring innocence from Ali (PBUH).”
Other traditions from the Imams (From Them is Peace) have said:
“And the companion of this matter shall not accept the Jizya (taxing the non-Muslim citizens of the country) as the Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family) did.”
In the remainder of this Door, we will provide examples of formal religious structures that will be completely uprooted and destroyed because they have become deeply associated with falsehood, deviation, and quite frankly idolatry. Examples of these structures include mosques and mausoleums, the lunar calendar, and mandatory head covering for women (hijab), among other things. As you consider each one, it is important to think critically about how each of these practices came to be and why the Riser/Qaim needs to take the axe to them like Abraham (PBUH).
The list of heretical acts in the eyes of the Muslims does not stop there, the Riser/Qaim shall command that the mosques and mausoleums of the Muslims all be demolished. Abi Ja’far (From Him is Peace) said:
“If the Qaim rises, he shall go towards Kufa and demolish four mosques there, and there shall not remain a single mosque on the face of the earth except that he demolishes it.”
Aba Abdillah (From Him is Peace) said:
“Fear O Arabs, for verily I have bad news for them, there shall not emerge from them with the Qaim one.”
It will appear to the people that the Qaim/Riser is trying to erase the religion of Islam. Aba Abdillah (From Him is Peace) said:
“If the Qaim rises, he demolishes the Masjid Al-Haram (the mosque complex of Mecca that surrounds and encompasses the Kaaba), until he returns it to its origin and moves the Maqam to the place that it was really at, and he cuts off the hands of the Bani-Sheyba and hangs it on the door of the Kaaba and writes on it: These are the thieves of the Kaaba.”
Not only does the Qaim/Riser destroy the Kaaba itself and the ‘Grand Mosque of Mecca’, he also heads to Medina to destroy the Mosque and grave of the Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family). Aba Abdillah (From Him is Peace) said:
“If the Riser/Qaim approaches the wall on the tomb intending to break it, God will then send extreme winds and lightning and thunder until the people say, ‘Verily this is because of that’ and his companions will run away from him until there does not remain with him a single person. The Riser/Qaim will then take the axe, and he is the first one to strike with the axe, and when his companions see him striking with the axe, they run back to him and their rank that day will be determined by how fast they run back to him.”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “The house of the Kaaba that people know is not the real Kaaba, the real Kaaba has been completely destroyed. There used to be in Mecca twenty-two Kaabas. There were also Kaabas in Jordan, Iraq, Sudan, and Egypt. Every large tribe would build a Kaaba that their people would make a pilgrimage to.”
I asked the Imam (From Him is Peace), “What is this current Kaaba then?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “[This current Kaaba that everyone knows] belongs to Quraysh but this is not even its real place. The original Kaaba of Quraysh was demolished and this is a new Kaaba that they recently built.”
I asked, “So where is the real Kaaba of God?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “Do you mean the true Kaaba, the one that Abraham (PBUH) built?”
I said, “Yes, and the one that Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) circled.”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “The truth is that Abraham (PBUH) didn’t actually build the Kaaba, but rather he reconstructed it, but now there is no longer a trace of it. As for Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), he circled a different Kaaba that belonged to his tribe, the Bani Hashem. That one too has been completely destroyed.”
I asked, “Was the one that belonged to Bani Hashem in the same place as the current one that belongs to Quraysh?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “No, the real Kaaba is located in Al-Sham (Levant) and not in Al-Hijaz and particularly in Jordan. Most of our entire history is a lie, son. Most of it has been forged.”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) further clarified that the exact location of the true original Kaaba is Petra, Jordan.
One day someone asked Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace), “Is it permissible for a believer in your Call to go do pilgrimage under the rule of the family of Saud?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace ) replied, “Instead of going to do pilgrimage (Hajj) you should go and give the money you would be spending on Hajj to the poor people that are dying of starvation around the world. I swear by God that would equate with God a hundred thousand pilgrimages.”
So the man said, “God commands me to go do Hajj and the Imam commands me to give charity, who shall I believe?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) responded, “You asked me and I have answered and you are free my son. I would like to increase you with another piece of information that perhaps you shall find to be strange. This time and this month is not even the month of Hajj, I mean we are not even in the season of Hajj, and the Kaaba which you know is not even the one that is called ‘The Holy Sanctuary of God.’ I know perhaps many people shall call me a disbeliever, but that is not important, what is important is that I deliver the truth to those who are seeking the truth.”
In the Holy Qur’an it says:
“For the accustomed security of the Quraysh, Their accustomed security [in] the caravan of winter and summer, Let them worship the Lord of this House, Who has fed them, [saving them] from hunger and made them safe, [saving them] from fear.”
With the passing of time, people have misinterpreted the meaning of the verses and the scholars who speak without knowledge have said that the journeys of Quraysh must have been for trading. In reality, this is nonsensical, as traders travel whenever there is business and they don’t base their travel on the seasons of the year. The verse also says:
“Let them worship the Lord of this House”
which means that the purpose of the summer and winter journeys of Quraysh was a religious one. The summer journeys were for the lesser pilgrimage (Umrah) and the winter ones were for the greater pilgrimage (Hajj).
The so-called lunar calendar or Hijri calendar which the Muslims use today originally used to be a solar calendar. Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) pointed out that the very names of the Hijri lunar calendar months indicate that they were actually named for solar months. For example, the year began in spring – the month of March – when life would return to the Earth and the land would become green. In the Arab calendar, this month was called “Rabi Al-Awal,” which means “First Spring,” until this very day. After it came “Rabi Al-Thani,” or “Second Spring.” Clearly, a month called spring must arrive in the spring, not in the winter or summer or fall, the way it does today, especially when they relied on this month to pasture their animals. Had the months moved around, they would take their animals out to pasture in the wrong season and find no food to feed their flocks.
If indeed the Hijri months were originally solar months, it would mean that for over one thousand years the Muslim nation has been fasting in times other than Ramadan and making Pilgrimage or Hajj in times other than its decreed season. In fact, the traditions of Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) have stated that from the signs of the appearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) is the people fasting in other than Ramadan and breaking fast in Ramadan:
Al-Asbagh ibn Nabata narrated that the Prince of the Believers Ali ibn Abi Talib (From Him is Peace) said:
“…When this time comes, the crescents increase in size one time until the crescent of two nights is seen, and they disappear another time until the people break fast at the beginning of Ramadan, and they fast at the end of Eid.”
Imam Al-Jawad (From Him is Peace) was asked:
“May I be your ransom, what do you say about fasting? It was said that they are not given success to fasting.” So he said: “Indeed the prayer of the angel against them was answered.” So I said: “And how is that, may I be your ransom?” He said: “The people when they killed Al-Hussein (May God’s prayers be upon him) God the Exalted commanded an angel to call: ‘O oppressive nation that has killed the descendants of its Messenger, may God not give you success neither to fasting nor to breaking fast.’ ”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) has revealed that the following is the correct Islamic calendar and that it is a solar calendar. The correct correspondence of the months is as follows:
Gregorian Months | Hijri Months |
January | Jamadi the First |
February | Jamadi the Last |
March | Rabi the First |
April | Rabi the Second |
May | Safar |
June | Muharram |
July | Shawwal |
August | Dhu Al-Qadah |
September | Dhu Al-Hijjah |
October | Sha’ban |
November | Rajab |
December | Ramadan |
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) revealed that the true Ramadan is in the month of December and now it is obligatory upon the people to fast the true month of Ramadan in December.
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “The fasting of Allah is in the following manner: A person should fast from all meats and fruits and everything produced from them (for the entire month). A person should also refrain from any type of intercourse (for the entire month). The breaking of fast (at sunset) shall be with only two types of food, bread and one other type only. And the person can change from day to day the second item of food as they please.”
I asked, “So a person would begin fasting at dawn and break fast at dusk and shall only break fast with bread and one other food item other than meat and fruits, for example, bread and rice?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) replied, “Exactly. Yes. The people are joyful and consider that they are fasting while they sit at a table filled with every tasteful and delicious type of food. What kind of fasting is that? What I have told you now is only a part of the true fast, let the people await the coming of the true month of Ramadan and its rituals.”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said to me one day, “After you finish your work, have some of the women remove their veils. Do not command anyone to, whoever wants to remove their veil can do so.”
I said, “Good then, as long as it is not part of your jurisprudence, what is the need for it?”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “No, it is not and it shall not ever be either, the veil has become a sunnah (tradition, custom) just as Abdul-Muttalib introduced matters which became sunnah and then it took root in Islam and became a practice.”
So in the Seventh Covenant, the wearing of a head veil or hijab by women is not obligatory but rather it is only a sunnah. We do not encourage wearing it, nor do we forbid it. Each person is free to wear it or not to wear it, for it was never a divine obligation from God Almighty, but rather it was a sunnah, just as brushing teeth with a miswak was a sunnah or sleeping while upon Wudu’. The sunnah of Hijab was not even one that was introduced by Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) but rather it was originally introduced by Abdul-Muttalib (PBUH). Indeed, there were members of the Holy Household who wore the veil. Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said: “Fatimah Al-Zahra (PBUH) was veiled from head to toe.” Even with that being the case, we do not take a sunnah as a divine command and make it obligatory. Those times differed from these times. What might have been necessary then is not now.
I asked Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) one day, “You are the companion of the Seventh and everlasting Covenant which shall last forever and until the final day of humanity, every time there was a new Covenant the jurisprudence would change, so is the Mohammedan prayer null and void?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “Do you mean by ‘prayer’ the bowing and prostrating in the way that it is practiced today?”
I said, “Yes.”
He (From Him is Peace) said, “Son, prayer is prostration to the Messengers and Prophets and Imams in their time. Prostration of the heart. Prayer is duaa.”
In clarifying what prayer (duaa) is, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “God has no need for someone to recite words that were written or memorized, but rather if you want to pray to God speak to him from your heart and do not look for written words.”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) also said on the evolution of prayer throughout time, “Since the time of Adam (PBUH) until today, prayer has been physical prostration in addition to prostration of the heart (submission of the heart). This is the correct prayer.”
It is true, for we see images drawn in ancient Egyptian tombs of Egyptians prostrating in worship. We see the Jews prostrating in their prayers. We see Christians in Ethiopia and other countries prostrating during their prayers. Almost every religion on the planet has a mentioning of prostration in their rituals or books.
When asked about the five prayers, the pre-dawn (Fajr), the noon (Dhuhr), the afternoon (Asr), the sunset (Maghrib), and the night prayer (Isha), the Imam (From Him is Peace) clarified that the true meaning of the five prayers is the Guardianship (Wilayah) of the Mahdis:
To pray the five prayers is to uphold your belief in, pledge of allegiance, and duties towards Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family), Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace), and the Second, Third, and Fourth Mahdis (PBUT). After them, the cycle restarts again, with Fajr being the Fifth Mahdi, Dhuhr the Sixth, Asr the Seventh, Maghrib the Eighth, Isha the Ninth, and as such forever.
Imam Ali (From Him is Peace) and the twelve Imams (From Them is Peace) have long tried to tell us that true prayer is not anything but the Wilayah of those Messengers of God, meaning the Mahdis. Abi Ja’far (From Him is Peace) said:
“Whoever did not know what prayer is has denied our rights.”
He also said:
“ ‘O believers! When the call to prayer is made on Friday,’ [meaning] from this day that God gathered you in, and prayer is the Prince of the Believers (PBUH) for God means by prayer the Wilayah and it is the Greater Wilayah.”
Aba Abdillah (From Him is Peace) said:
“O Dawud, we are the prayer in the book of Allah, and we are the zakat and we are the fasting and we are the Hajj and we are the holy months and we are the holy land and we are the Kaaba of Allah and we are His qibla and we are the face of Allah.”
And the Prince of the Believers (From Him is Peace) said:
“Whoever comes to prayer knowing its reality shall be forgiven.”
I asked Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) one day about interest on loans (Riba) to which he replied, “Riba is not allowed at all. It is extremely ugly.”
I said, “What about with disbelievers and Nasibis (those who hate the Ahlul-Bayt) for example?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “Give me your example.”
I said, “Loan sharks in America for example who give loans to people who are unable to get loans from banks due to their poor credit.”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) replied, “No, it is not permissible, because they do not know the amount of harm which Riba causes, it strikes descendants until the tenth generation, it will be in the necks of the sons.”
I said, “Does that mean the sons until the tenth generation will owe back all the interest that was taken by their forefather?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) said, “Yes.”
One day Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) was asked, “Is a mortgage with interest (even low interest like 1%) permissible if it is not possible to purchase a house with cash? Or must a believer keep renting and hope that one day they can buy in cash (even the housing market keeps going up and making that seem less real)?”
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) replied, “Mortgage is not permissible and it is haram (impermissible), and if you believed that Allah the Exalted is the One who sustains and that He is the Compassionate and the Intensely Merciful, you would have not said that and you would have had two houses instead of one. I ask God to sustain you and make you well in your religion and in your world and in your hereafter, verily, He is the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.”
The Riser/Qaim in the Seventh Covenant reveals corruptions in the Qur’an and the holy books and restores the truth in them. He abolishes certain medieval practices such as cutting off the hands of the thief in Islam. This archaic practice has nothing to do with the divine laws of God. In fact, it is contradictory to the Holy Qur’an. For in the Qur’an God says:
“O my Servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the Mercy of Allah: for Allah forgives all sins: for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
This verse, that God forgives all sins means naturally that He gives people a second chance. How can someone who stole have a second chance if he no longer has a hand? This is not forgiveness. Rather, cutting off the hand of someone is the opposite of forgiveness, it is total and complete conviction.
Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) has stated that the verse in the Holy Qur’an which says: “And the male thief and the female thief: then cut (off) the hands of both, as a recompense for what they (both) have earned, as a torture from Allah; and Allah is Ever-Mighty, Ever-Wise” is corrupted and changed by humans throughout time. The word “cut off” was originally “stain” their hands. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) would stain the hands with a coloring substance that was made from a certain plant that used to be extremely hard to wash off. The public shaming of the thief in this way deterred people from stealing because no one wanted to walk around with a colored hand that signaled their crime.
The drinking of wine (sharab) is permissible in the Seventh Covenant as it was in pre-Mohammedan Covenants. It was made forbidden in the Sixth Covenant for the general public because of the extreme drunkenness and debauchery of the Arabs at that time. It was never intended to be an eternal prohibition. Nevertheless, it is a drink that is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an as being in paradise a reward for those who enter it:
“(Here is) a description of the paradise that is promised for the God-fearing! In it there are rivers of water, never spoiling, and rivers of milk the taste of which would not go bad, and rivers of wine, delicious to the drinkers, and rivers of honey, fully purified.”
Would God put something impure in paradise? Since God does not put impure things in paradise, it must be pure.
One day I asked Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace), “Mani had written that the juice of fruits is water with light in it and that water alone is just matter with no light. And it is also mentioned in some of the traditions of the Ahlul-Bayt that they refer to wine as Abdul-Noor and wine is from fruits. Is it true that wine has light in it?”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) replied, “Yes son, that is true.”
We provide the following narration about the “Ritual of the Cup” as further evidence that the use of wine as a means for fostering spiritual ecstasy and fellowship was permissible amongst the close and completed believers. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) established this ritual amongst the Ahlul-Bayt and close companions. There are qur’anic references to rivers of wine. This practice was clearly not meant for the general public. Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) prohibited it for the “common libertines” and “imposed yoke and chains for them.” This is a well-known tradition amongst Gnostic, mystical, and academic circles.
Abdullah Al-Barqi reports the words of Al-Bythura’i: Mohammed ibn Sinan told me the following, which he heard from Abu Harun the blind...who told him:
I had gone to visit Mohammed ibn Abi Zaynab (Abu’l-Khattab), the father of good people and good things, may he be revered! Seventy men were present, the elect among his followers, come from different countries. Among them was Musa ibn Ashyam (later to be) a martyr (shahid) and the Mohammed ibn Abi Bakr of his time. There was lengthy discourse among them. Finally, Abu’l-Khattab said to them: “O companions! Do you desire the drink?” We said: “And what drink?” Abu’l-Khattab said: “The drink [wine] of the Malakut (sharab Al-Malakut).” We said: “You have nourished us through your knowledge of the Malakut; now give us to drink our fill of its brew.” Abu’l-Khattab said: “The wine of the Malakut is for you; the wine of the gates of Hell [Balhut] is for others.” We asked: “And what is the wine of the Balhut?” Abu’l-Khattab said: “The blood of Iblis [Ahriman], may God condemn him! But the drink [wine] of the Malakut is the pure beverage which God has described as the drink of his friends [li-awliya’ih] in paradise.” [And Abu’l-Khattab recites the Qur’anic verse 47:15] “Rivers of wine, and delights for those who drink of it.” “Therefore, drink of it in perfect knowledge and in total truth.” We said: “Then give us to drink our fill, in perfect knowledge and in total truth.” Then he called out: “O young girl!” She quickly arrived, and he told her: “Bring the drink for the bodies of earthly men.” She brought a wineskin filled with a brilliant radiance, and a cup which shone with the golden light of dawn. Then he said: “It is with this that God gratifies his friends.” Then he set the cup down and recited: “You shall feel neither intoxication nor headache from it.” [cf. Qur’an 56:19: “A drink which causes neither excess nor intoxication.”] Then Abu’l-Khattab said to Musa ibn Ashyam: “Begin! Let your brothers drink their fill. And when the drink has passed to all, then by this cup you hold in your hand, your bodies shall be filled for all the periods and cycles to come. For you belong to the holy of holies [quds al-muqaddasin] and you were of the Bahmanians among the number of the most excellent and noble of them. I have displayed the world for them, and filled them with its delights. I fulfill you with its magnificence, and by my power, I give you what I have given no other.” Musa ibn Ashyam stood up and said: “O my lord! From your hand, give me a drink which shall satisfy the thirst of him who drinks his fill of it, throughout the centuries of centuries and the eternity of eternities.” [Abu Harun the blind] thus continues his recital: Then Abu’l Khattab poured the wine into the cup. He presented the cup to Musa, and Musa drank from it until he was satisfied. Abu’l Khattab then told him: “Now give the cup to your brother, Abu Isma’il.” He then drank until his own thirst was satisfied, without any decrease in the contents of the cup. All thus drank their fill in turn. Finally, having circulated among all present, the cup returned exactly as full as it was at the beginning, then Abu’l-Khattab held the cup up, moving it around in a circle. As he traced out the form of the circle, we regarded it intently; then the cup lifted up, rising little by little, floating in space, until it came to its resting place. At this moment, we beheld the Lord (Al-Sayyid, the Imam Ja’far), looking upon us from the heights of this space. He was underneath a red dome, as built from a unique pearl, whose light shone from the East to the West. The air was filled with a perfume of musk. The lord-companion Imam Ja’far, giver of our salvation, then proclaimed his secret: “O Mohammed (ibn Abi Zaynab, Abu’l Khattab), I quench the thirst of my faithful adepts, the pure, the noble, the just, with this drink which I have forbidden to common libertines. I have offered it to my faithful who are present in this world and in the other world. But to the common libertines I have imposed yoke and chains, and have sent them into the desert of those who lose their way.” As for us, we were rapt in contemplation of the Beauty and Light which radiated from the dome. Then my lord [the Imam] spoke to us again: “I have chosen you, I have attracted you to me, and you have come near by remaining with my Friends. If it had been otherwise, your eyes would have been torn out by the power of this Light, and you would have fainted in terror upon hearing this voice. But I have made it so that this is an honor for you and a disgrace for your adversaries. Therefore, welcome this in recognition, for today is the day of surplus.” And the Imam recited this verse [Qur’an 10:26]: “To those who have done good, the most beautiful of rewards, and even with a surplus. No dust nor humiliation shall cover their faces. For they are the hosts of paradise, where they shall dwell immortal.” At this moment the cup began to re-descend towards us. But this time it was empty, with not a drop remaining. Then Abu’l Khattab said to his companions: “Behold, this cup has circulated through the temples of all the non-Arabs, throughout all the seven periods of the world. All of them are your brothers in faith and in gnosis [or your brothers, the gnostic believers]. You have drunk with them from this cup, for you are of the number of their Nobles. And I have given you to drink your fill of this beverage today, just as I gave you to drink of it in the times which came before.” Then Abu’l-Khattab took the cup, filled it again, and gave it to Musa ibn Ashyam, telling him: “May God give you life, O friend of the Merciful!” And Abraham, Friend of the Merciful, took the cup in his hands and drank from it. Then the lord [Abu’l-Khattab] said: “May God’s drink bring great good unto you. By my life! Through this drink, you have tasted the knowledge of the Malakut, the knowledge of that which was in the first of the centuries, and is throughout all the ages and cycles of the world. Henceforth, you can speak any language. Having tasted of this drink, you know the language of the birds (mantiq al-tayr), and the language of all that breathes upon the surface of the earth.” Afterward, Musa ibn Ashyam said: “I bear witness to Him who created me in harmony! After drinking from this cup, there remained no being nor anything, neither on earth nor in heaven, nor anywhere in between, whose language remained hidden to me.” Then Abu’l-Khattab had each of us partake of the beverage, and he told us: “Today you are in the house of surplus. Speak then, and I shall listen. Supplicate, pray, and welcome any appeals.” We said: “May this drink be allowable for our absent friends, even as you have allowed it for us.” Abu’l-Khattab said: “This wine is allowed for your brothers, when they are in the company of brothers in faith and in gnosis. But this wine is forbidden to you and to them, when in the company of any but your brothers. For God has requited your act of drinking your fill and nourishing yourselves with this beverage, by removing the four basic polluted Natures from you, those which are the cause of blame. Do you know by what grace you have attained this eminent rank, this sublime and noble degree?” We said: “By what grace have we then attained it?” Abu’l-Khattab said: “God is thanking you for a certain act in yourselves, and is rewarding it.” We said: “And what is this act?” Abu’l-Khattab said: “Imagine that one of you had just gone to bed. Having just placed his head upon his pillow, the thought comes to him of one of his brothers who is weaker, and who has been left behind in regards to food, drink, clothing, and does not even possess a mount. This makes him rise from his bed in consternation, so anxious that he goes straight to this brother, and puts his affairs in order as if they were his own. Well, it is by this manner of action that you have been raised to this high degree and eminent rank.” Musa ibn Ashyam said: “Glory to God! How sublime is the spiritual virtue of this action, both inwardly and outwardly (zahiran wa batinan, exoterically and esoterically).” Abu’l-Khattab said: “This is the cup of Tahmuras. He was the Emir of the Bees under the first Bahmanian dome. It was he who presented the cup to Bahman - and Bahman is the most sacred of names (al-ism al-muqaddas). Bahman passed the cup to Hormoz, and I was Hormoz, whom Bahman bade drink from the cup. I was thereupon filled with knowledge, wisdom and intelligence. This is why I desired that you find solace in this cup. Indeed, what is it that shields the efforts of believers to console each other from the vanities of Iblis? They refrain from these vanities with their spiritual brothers, yet they heap them upon their own flesh and blood. Surely they will suffer painful punishment in the other world. For it is this, or something equivalent to it, that produces rebirth (takrir, returning) in this world.” We said: “Why is this beginning-again in earthly bodies necessary?” Abu’l-Khattab said: “Because one falls short of one’s task (taqsir). Rebirth is for those who never succeed in purifying themselves in the course of these returnings. They know full well that it is because of their lack of love for one another that they must undergo punishment. In spite of this, they waste their lives, realizing nothing. This is why their beginning-again will go on for a long time.” Musa ibn Ashyam said: “In even a single part of this process, there is something which will suffice for anyone who is not a hypocrite. Blessed are the gnostics faithful to God, both for themselves and for their fellows. ‘Blessed are they! A magnificent refuge is prepared for them.’ ” [Qur’an 13:29] Abu’l-Khattab said: “Do you know what is meant by a magnificent refuge?” We said: “No!” Abu’l-Khattab said: “It is the faithful believer’s store of good deeds; it belongs to him by virtue of his achievement of the totality of his desire, while remaining within the bounds of purity. Therefore, stand up now! You are people who walk on the path of goodness, as the beloved of God. I ask God to assemble you all together in the place where He loves.” Abu Harun now concluded: “Then the companions parted in happiness and lightness of heart. Never have I seen such a gathering of such beauty and light as in this assembly. We were brought together by the grace of God, which had descended upon us along with his benevolence. This is what our Lord (Sayyid-na) Abu’l-Khattab has brought about especially for us, during the ceremony of the Cup, with the grace that it brings. Glory be to God, Lord of the worlds. This recital is at an end.”
The Seventh Covenant will undoubtedly be difficult upon the Muslim nation, particularly the Arabs and Persians. All of the formal pillars and structures of what they have taken to be God-given truths (e.g., Kaaba in Mecca, lunar calendar, ritual prayer, etc.) will have to be destroyed and built anew. This literally has to happen in order for the idolatry and impurities of 1,400 years to be exposed. The Arab and Muslim nation broke the Covenant when they oppressed Imam Ali (From Him is Peace) and his successors and chose to make their own religion. Uprooting the structures of falsehood in this way is no different from what the previous Covenant Prophets (PBUT) did. Except now, it will be on a much bigger scale and the full truth will be impossible to hide. These revelations are the fulfillment of numerous prophecies and the anticipated apocalypse that was promised to occur in the end of days. Since the majority of these structures have been built on the blood of the Ahlul-Bayt (From Them is Peace) and the rightful inheritors of the Adamites, the Riser/Qaim from the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace) has come to obliterate any remnants of misguidance, be it physical or psychological. The houses of worship that have become houses of misguidance, idolatry, and hypocrisy must be destroyed and a new foundation must be built. Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) said:
“Islam began as something strange and it will return to being strange, so blessed are the strangers.”
If you have found the revelations of the Seventh Covenant thus far to be strange, then congratulations, you are amongst the blessed.
There are many more changes to come in the jurisprudence of the Seventh Covenant and some of that will be revealed here over the course of the remainder of the Book as we explore various topics and where it shall be appropriate to reveal. Other parts of the jurisprudence shall be revealed at a later time. For the remainder of the Book, we shall deal with the beliefs, knowledge, and jurisprudence of the Seventh Covenant divided over the remaining Doors.