For over a thousand years, the so-called Shia have believed that the Qa'im will be Imam Mohammed Al-Hassan Al-Askari (From Him is Peace) - the Savior of Mankind who establishes a Divine Just State and spreads the 27 Letters of Knowledge to mankind. However, they do not understand that Imam Al-Mahdi and the Qa'im are two separate individuals.
We must first clarify that the word Qa'im means “Riser”. Therefore, the Qa'im is the one who rises with the truth.
Just as Imam Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) stated,
“If the Riser rises he shall call the people to a new Islam, and he shall guide them to a matter that was lost and that the people strayed from, and verily the Riser was called a Mahdi [a Guide] because he guides to a matter which is lost, and he was called a Riser because he rises with the truth.” - Bihar Al-Anwar , Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 51, p. 30
However, the Muslims are confused in regards to the description of the Qa'im. For example, some narrations describe that the Qa'im will rule for 7 years, some state that the Qa'im will rule for 19, and others list other numbers of years.
If we look at the narrations describing his physical features, we also find them contradictory. Some describe him as having red skin resembling Moses (PBUH), while other narrations describe him as fair-skinned.
Imam Al-Baqir (PBUH) said: “...He is the one with redness, hollow eyes, elevated edges of the eyebrows, broad shoulders…and in his face there is a resemblance of Moses.”
- Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 51, p. 40
“There shall come forth a man from my sons in the end times who is white in color with some redness, he has a large belly, wide thighs and broad shoulders, in his back are two moles, one the same color as his skin, and the other similar to the one of the Prophet of God (PBUH & His Family). He has two names, a name which is hidden and a name which is announced, as for the one which is hidden it is Ahmed, as for the one which is announced it is Mohammed. If he shakes his banner there shall light up for it what is between the East and West, and he places his hand on the heads of the servants and there remains not a believer except that his heart is stronger than the piece of iron, and God shall give him the strength of forty men and there shall not remain a single dead person except that he becomes happy while he is in his grave and they will visit each other in the graves and give glad tidings concerning the Rise of the Riser (PBUH). ”
- Bihar Al-Anwar , Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 51, p. 35
Some narrations describe him appearing at the age of 32 and others have him appearing in his 40’s.
The Messenger of Allah Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) said:
“The Mahdi (PBUH) from my sons is forty years old.”
- Bihar Al-Anwar , Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 51, p. 80
On the authority of Aba Abdillah (PBUH) he said:
“He appears in the image of a successful youth at the age of 32.”
- Kitab Al-Ghayba (Book of Occultation), Al-Numani, Vol. 1, p. 193
Some narrations also describe a Qa'im or the Mahdi as a warrior who engages in many military battles while other traditions state that the Mahdi rises to the throne without having spilled a single drop of blood.
On the authority of Al-Hassan bin Abd Al-Rahman Al-Akli, on the authority of Abu Hurairah, he said:
“Allegiance will be pledged to the Mahdi between the Rukn and the Maqam. He does not awaken a sleeper nor does he shed blood.”
- Al-Malahim wal Fitan, Al-Sayyid ibn Tawus, Vol. 1, p. 133
So how can we reconcile with these narrations that seem to contradict one another?
The truth is that the differences in the narrations describing the Qa'im, or the Mahdi, are because the narrations are describing different people. In this article, we will provide you with narrations that prove how Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) fits the description of the Qa'im/Riser from the Family of Mohammed (From Them is Peace).
Let us first look at this narration -
Abu Abdullah Ja'far bin Mohammed Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) said:
“Al-Qaim is one of my descendants. His old is like Abraham’s old; one hundred and twenty years. He is recognized and then he disappears for a period of time and then he reappears as a young man of thirty-two years old. Some groups of people deviate from him. He fills the world with justice after it has been filled with injustice and oppression.”
- Dala’il al-Imama p.258
- Al-Ghayba by at-Toossi p.420
- Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.511
- Hilyatul Abrar, vol.2 p.584
- Biharul Anwar, vol.52 p.287
Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) was appointed by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) when he was 32 years old and this was in 2015.
In this statement, Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) stated:
‘My children, a while ago I have appointed to you your servant and your brother Abdullah Hashem as the general responsible over the world. And I have delegated to him a number of duties. And he is in direct contact with me with no medium at all. Any decision comes through him and any command comes through him is what pleases God, for he is true and he is from me in this stage until Allah commands the immediate fast relief of the Family of Mohammed inshAllah.’
And on numerous occasions, Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) claimed to be Abdullah in the Will of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH and His Family).
I, as your vicegerent, find that me being your successor means that one day you will leave for me your great shoes to fill, so how can the little feet of Abdullah the Infant fill the shoes of Al-Hussein (PBUH)? - Sermon of the Righteous Servant on November 16, 2016
It is narrated from Fazl from Uthman bin Isa from Darast from Ammar bin Marwan from Abu Basir that he said: I heard Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) say:
“I am prepared to guarantee Imam Qaim to one who guarantees the death of Abdullah; because after the death of Abdullah, the Muslims will not have consensus on any one person and this matter will not end except with your Imam. If Allah wills, the kingdom running into years will end and the kingdom running into days and months will begin.”
I (the narrator) asked: “Would this matter be prolonged?” He replied: “Definitely not.” -
Ghaybat Al-Tusi , Al-Shaikh Al-Tusi, Vol. 1, p. 467
Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) appeared publicly in 2015 after the death of king Abdullah just as Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) did, and the traditions state that the Qa'im will appear after the death of king Abdullah.
“The likes of he who you asked of is like a pillar which fell from the heavens, its head is from the West and its origin is from the East, so from where do you see the pillar stand if it is raised up?” The man said: “From its head.” Imam Al-Kathim (PBUH) said: “That is enough, from the West he shall rise and his origin is from the East and it is over there that his Rise is established and his matter completed. And as such is the Mahdi (PBUH) and his upbringing in the East and then he migrates to the West, and he rises from there and in the East his matter is completed. ” - Sharḥ al-akhbār , Qadi Nu’man al-Maghribi, Vol. 3, p. 365
There are many indications that the Qa'im/Riser comes from the West and there are narrations that mention that most of his companions are non-Arabs:
“With the Qa'im (PBUH) from the Arabs are few. ”
Ammar ibn Yassir said in a long narration where he describes the events before and around the time of the Rise:
“...and the people of the West go out to Egypt.”
-Mo’jam Ahadeeth Imam Al-Mahdi (AS), Al-Shaikh Ali Al-Korani, Vol. 1, pp. 329-330
And indeed from 2011 to 2016, many people traveled from Western nations to meet Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him Is Peace) in Egypt.
Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Sa'eed narrated from Ahmad bin Yousuf al-Ju’fi Abul Hasan from Isma'eel bin Mihran from al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Hamza from his father and Wuhayb bin Hafs from Abu Baseer that Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) had said:
“There will be a very few Arabs with Al-Qaim (PBUH).”
It is said to him: “But those, who talk about this matter among the Arabs, are so much many.”
He said: “People must be tried, sifted and purified. Much many people will be thrown away from the sieve.”
- Al-Kafi, vol.1 p.370, Dala’il al-Imama p.242, al-Idad al-Qawiyya p.74, Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.537, Biharul Anwar, vol.5 p.219, vol.52 p.114, 348, Bisharatul Islam, vol.2 p.197, Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.4 p.46.
And just as the narration states, many of the companions that have been with Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem (From Him is Peace) come from a non-Arab background.
Imam Al-Kathim (From Him is Peace) was asked about the Mahdi, where is his Rise from and where does he reside, to which he responded: “ The likes of he who you asked of is like a pillar which fell from the heavens, its head is from the West and its origin is from the East, so from where do you see the pillar stand if it is raised up?” The man said: “From its head.” Imam Al-Kathim (PBUH) said: “That is enough, from the West he shall rise and his origin is from the East and it is over there that his Rise is established and his matter completed. And as such is the Mahdi (PBUH) and his upbringing in the East and then he migrates to the West, and he rises from there and in the East his matter is completed. ”
- Sharḥ al-akhbār , Qadi Nu’man al-Maghribi, Vol. 3, p. 365
Indeed Aba Al-Sadiq Abdullah Hashem (From Him is Peace) was raised in Egypt and then migrated to the West, Europe, and his Call began from the West and he was in Egypt when raised the Black Banners.
After Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) raised the Black Banners, it was not long until he traveled to Europe. Many believers from all over the world made Hijra to Europe to support the Call of Imam Mahdi (PBUH & His Family):
From Thawban, the Prophet of Allah Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) said:
“Three will fight at your treasure, all of them are the sons of a caliph, then it will not be to anyone of them, then the black banners will rise from the east, and they will fight a fight that no nation has fought before”. Then he mentioned something and said: “If you see him, pledge allegiance to him even if crawling on ice, verily he is the Caliph of Allah the Mahdi”.
– Al-Mostadrak A’ala Al-Saheehayn, Abi Abdillah Muhammad Al-Hakim Al-Naysabory, v.4, p.510, hadith 8432 (Online book: p. 464)– Kanz Al-Ummal, Al-Muttaqi Al-Hindi, v.14, p.263, hadith 38658.
– Sunan Ibn Maja, Muhammad ibn Yazeed Al-Qozweeny, v.2, p.1367, hadith 4084
Interestingly, the hadith mentions the word ice, and ice is known to exist in Europe and America and not in the Middle East.
This brings us to a very powerful and important subject and this is how the Qa'im is the Sun who rises from the West.
The Messenger of Allah Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) said:
“The Hour will not be established until the sun rises from the West, so if the people see it they will believe in it, and that is (the time) when {no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before} (Holy Qur’an 6: 158).”
- Sahih Bukhari, Chapter 65 Prophetic Commentary on the Qur'an, Hadith 4635
Now before we continue, we must ask ourselves, is the sun in this narration referring to a physical sun that rises from the West?
The Earth rotates around the sun and that is why we see that the sun rises from the east and sets in the West. So for the sun to rise from the west, the Earth would do a reverse rotation.
Now if you were to ask a scientist what would happen to the Earth if the sun rose from the West instead of the East, they would say that a reversal of Earth's rotation direction would have catastrophic consequences for the planet's climate, ecosystems, and inhabitants.
The Earth's rotation plays a crucial role in determining atmospheric circulation patterns, weather systems, and the distribution of heat and energy across the planet. If the rotation was to reverse, prevailing winds, ocean currents, and weather patterns would also reverse, leading to extreme and unpredictable weather phenomena.
Additionally, the sudden reversal of Earth's rotation would generate massive seismic activity and volcanic eruptions due to the abrupt redistribution of the planet's mass and internal forces. These geological disturbances would further disrupt ecosystems, trigger tsunamis, and cause widespread destruction.
Not to mention that for the Earth’s rotation to change, it would either slow down gradually or come to a complete stop, then rotate backward.
If the Earth stopped spinning: days and nights would get longer, our circadian rhythm would be disturbed, weather patterns would start to change, satellite technology would experience problems, one side of Earth in continuous daylight, one side of Earth in continuous night, lifeforms that photosynthesize would die out and almost everyone and everything not attached to the planet would continue to move at the current speed of Earth's rotation, around 1,000 mph (1,600 km/h) at its fastest, which is along the equator.
Therefore it is not possible that the narration is referring to the physical sun. Rather, it's referring to a person.
Let us look at the following verses:
“When Joseph said to his father, O my father, indeed I have seen [in a dream] eleven stars and the sun and the moon; I saw them prostrating to me.”
- (Holy Qur’an 12: 4)
“Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. ‘Listen,’ he said, ‘I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.’”
- (Genesis 37: 9)
“Again Jesus spoke to them saying, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”
(John 8: 12)
So it is clear from these verses that the word ‘Sun’ refers to a human being, a messenger.
The Prince of the Believers Ali ibn Abi Talib (From Him is Peace) said:
“ … And that is after the sun rises from the west. At that time repentance is lifted and no repentance is accepted, and no work is lifted, and {no soul will benefit from its faith as long as it had not believed before} or gained goodness through its faith. Then Al-Nazzal ibn Sabrah said, “I said to Sa’sa’ah son of Sawhan, ‘O Sa’sa’ah, what did the Prince of the Believers (From Him Is Peace) mean by this statement?’” Then Sa’sa’ah said, “O son of Sabrah, the one whom Jesus son of Mary (PBUH) prays behind is the twelfth of the Progeny, the ninth of the sons of Al-Hussein ibn Ali (PBUH), and he is the sun rising from the west.”
- Mokhtasar Basa’er Al-Darajat, Al-Hasan Al-Hilly, p. 32
So it is clear from the hadith that the Sun is the Mahdi, a messenger that rises from the West.
The Messenger of Allah Mohammed (PBUH & His Family) said:
It was said: “When will he come out, O Messenger of Allah?” He said: “He will emerge from the West, with a mark on his leg and a mark between his shoulders, as a stranger.” It was said: “How will he be a stranger, O Messenger of Allah?” HE SAID: “because he is separated from his family and estranged from his homeland.”
- Sharh Al-Akhbar, Al-Kadi Al-No’man, Vol. 3, p. 363
Imam Al-Kathim (From Him Is Peace) was asked:
“We have been narrated that the Mahdi is from you [the Ahlulbayt] so when will his rise be, and where will he rise from?” He said: “The example of the person you asked about is like a pillar that fell from the sky, its head is in the west and its origin is in the east. So where do you see the pillar rising from when it rises?”
I said: “From its head.”
He said: “It is enough for you that he rises from the west and his origin is from the east, and it is there that his rise will be established and his matter completed.”
- Sharh Al-Akhbar, Al-Kadi Al-No’man, Vol. 3, p. 365
From the Messenger Mohammed (PBUH & His Family), who said:
“There must be a Riser from the sons of Fatima who rises from the west ... ”
- Sharh Al-Akhbar, Al-Kadi Al-No’man, Vol. 3, p. 363
There are a lot of similarities between Moses (PBUH) and Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace):
Moses (PBUH) was a Savior who was raised in the palace of Pharaoh. Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) was raised in the Greater Dajjal America.
Moses (PBUH) was not fluent in Hebrew. Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) addresses the whole world in English.
Moses (PBUH) was not from amongst the Hebrew nation. The Arabs are not expecting a Savior from the West.
Moses (PBUH) left the land of Pharaoh in the same way Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) left the land of America from the Pharaoh of this time.
It is narrated from Fadhl from Ali bin Asbat from his father, Asbat bin Saalim from Musa Abaar from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s) that he said: "The Arabs should be warned as it would be a very bad time for them, because not one of them will arise with the Qaim."
- Ghaibat Tusi p. 538 hadith 500
Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Sa'eed narrated from Ahmad bin Yousuf al-Ju’fi Abul Hasan from Issma'eel bin Mihran from al-Hasan bin Ali bin Abu Hamza from his father and Wuhayb bin Hafs from Abu Baseer that Abu Abdullah as-Sadiq (as) had said: “There will be a very few Arabs with al-Qaim (From Him Is Peace).” It is said to him: “But those, who talk about this matter among the Arabs, are so much many.” He said: “People must be tried, sifted and purified. Much many people will be thrown away from the sieve.”
- Al-Kafi, vol.1 p.370- Dala’il al-Imama p.242
- Al-Idad al-Qawiyya p.74
- Ithbat al-Hudat, vol.3 p.537
- Biharul Anwar, vol.5 p.219, vol.52 p.114, 348
- Bisharatul Islam, vol.2 p.197
- Mo’jam Ahadeeth al-Imam al-Mahdi, vol.4 p.46
Abdullah ibn Abi Yaafor said that he heard Imam Al-Sadiq (PBUH) say: “ Woe to the oppressors of the Arabs from an evil which is approaching.” I said: “May I be your ransom, how many of the Arabs will be with the Qaim (From Him Is Peace)?” He said: “Very few.” I said: “By God, the ones who speak about it from them are many.” He said: “The people must be tested and distinguished and sifted, and there shall come out of the sifting many people.”
- Kitab Al-Ghayba (Book of Occultation), Al-Numani, Vol. 1, p. 210
The Prince of the Believers (From Him Is Peace) said:
“As if I’m seeing the Non-Arabs putting up their tents in Al-Koufa mosque and teaching the people the Quran as it came down.”
- Kitab Al-Ghayba (Book of Occultation), Al-Numani, Vol. 1, p. 332
Imam Al-Baqir (From Him Is Peace) said:
“The companions of the Riser are 313 men, the sons of the Non-Arabs. Some of them will be carried in the clouds during the day, they’re known by their name, their father’s name, lineage and qualities.”
- The Book of Occultation- Nomani- Vol.1 page 327
Ibn Atta said: I asked Abu Jafar Al-Baqir (as) and said: "When the Qaim (as) rises, how does he walk among the people?" So he (as) said: "He demolishes what preceded him, as the Messenger of Allah (sawas) did, and he brings Islam anew."
– Al-Ghaybah Al-Numani p.236, Bihar Al-Anwar v.52 p.352
Abu Abdullah (as) said: "[The Qaim] does what the Messenger of Allah (sawas) did; he demolishes what has preceded him, as the Messenger of Allah (sawas) demolished the matter of the Jahiliyyah, and he restores Islam anew."
– Al-Ghaybah Al-Numani p336, Bihar Al-Anwar v52 p352
From Abi Baseer, Imam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: "Islam started strange and will return strange as it started, so give glad tidings to the strangers," so I said: "Please explain this to me, may Allah give you goodness," so he (pbuh) said: "A caller from us resumes the call anew, like the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) called."
– Al-Ghaybah Al-Numani p337, Bihar Al-Anwar v52 p366
Muhammad Ibn Ijlan narrated: Imam Al-Sadiq (as) said, "When our Qaim rises he shall call people anew to Islam and shall guide them to the things that were annihilated and from which people had turned away. He is called Mahdi because he will guide people to the thing from which they have been separated. He is called Al-Qaim because of his rise for the truth."
– Al-Irshad v2 p383, Bihar Al-Anwar v51 p30 hadith 7
From Nahj Al-Balaghah: The lord of believers (pbuh) said: "They followed the wrong paths and went to the right and left, abandoning their guiding traditions… O people, this is the time when all promises will come true, when the coming of one unknown to you is close at hand. Note that he who has emerged from among you will overtake them with a bright light in these most difficult time…"
– Bihar Al-Anwar v51 p186
Abdullah Ibn Ata says: I asked Imam Abu Jaffar Muhammad Al-Baqir (as): "Speak to us about the Qaim…" He said: "He will follow the path of the Messenger of Allah (sawas), he will eliminate previous things and come with new things."
– Al-Ghaybah Al-Numani p216
In Al-Futuhat Al-Makkiyya (The Meccan Revelations), it was mentioned: "… He will reform the religion and revive Islam. Thus, Islam will pride itself for having him after its degradation, and will be revivified. He shall set the punishment and call to pay allegiance to Allah by means of the sword; whoever refuses to oblige will be killed and whoever fights him will fail. He will reflect religion like it is itself, as if the Messenger of Allah were leading him personally. He will remove all sects from the Earth so that only one pure religion remains. His enemies will be the jurists and scholars because of their opinions with regard to the rule, and that contradict those of their Imams. However, they will be forced to follow his rule, for they will fear his sword and ascendency and covet what he has. The common people from the Muslims will rejoice more in receiving him than their elites will. The people of the Truth who recognize Allah Almighty will pay allegiance to him through testimony, revelation and divine definition."
– Bisharat Al-Islam p297
It is narrated from Fazal from Abdulrahman from Ibn Abu Hamza from Abu Basir from Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (as) that he said: "The Qaim (as) would demolish Masjid al-Haraam till it returns to its ancient form and he would also return the Prophet’s Masjid (Masjidun Nabawi) to its original construction and he would return the Holy Kaaba to its location and raise it on its own foundations. He will cut off the hand of Bani Shaibah and hang it on the Kaaba as they are the thieves of the Kaaba."
– Ghaibat Tusi
And in the tradition from Al-Baqir (pbuh): "The Qaim will rule with rulings which will be denied by some of his companions who fought with the sword with him, and it is the ruling of Adam (pbuh), so he will bring them forth and strike their necks, then he will rule with the second one, so it will be denied by other people who fought with the sword with him, and it is the ruling of David (as), so he will bring them forth and strike their necks, then he will rule with the third one, so it will be denied by other people who fought with the sword with him, and it is the ruling of Abraham (pbuh), so he will bring them forth and strike their necks, then he will rule with the fourth one, and it is the ruling of Muhammad (pbuhahf), so no one will deny it."
– Bihar Al-Anwar v52 p389
And Al-Baqir (pbuh) said: "Verily he was named Al-Mahdi (the guided one) because he guides to a matter that has been hidden, so much so that he will send a man to be killed [even though] the people did not know any sin for this man."
– Bihar Al-Anwar v52 p389
There is another individual that we find from the Hadith of the Ahlul-Bayt (From Them Is Peace) and this individual has a specific title and he's also considered to be someone who paves the way. And that person is the Companion of Egypt. So this man who is paving the way according to this Hadith is someone from Egypt.
Since 2011, while Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) was in Egypt, he along with other believers in Ahmed Al-Hassan (PBUH), strove to build a media platform for the Imam. This small group of believers spent the next years producing and spreading videos and media about the Call of Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (Peace Be Upon Him) to all four corners of the earth. A task which they continue to do until this day.
It is through Aba Al-Sadiq’s (From Him is Peace) sincerity and dedication to spreading the Call of Imam Al-Mahdi (PBUH & His Family) that he fulfilled a prophecy from the Prince of Believers (From Him Is Peace) where he said,
"Verily I shall build a platform in Egypt.’ The narrator said, ‘O Prince of Believers, it is as if you are saying that you will rise after your death.’ He (From Him Is Peace) said, ‘How farfetched, O Abayah! You went into a different sect, a man from me does that.”
– Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 53 page 59
“Umm Al-Mo’meneen Mariam narrated that she has been given the glad tidings of the Islam of Egypt, and that Islam won’t go out of Egypt until the Day of Religion… And she has known that the Minbar of The Greater Mahdi in the End Times is in Egypt, and the one who paves the way for him is a man whose courage is iron and his heart is strong, Allah opens for him the openings of the knowledgeable ones, and He inspires to him the inspirations of the Muhaditheen…”
– What Imam Ali (PBUH) said about the End Times, Sayyed Ali Ashour, p.328, hadith 501
Imam Ali (From Him Is Peace) said:
“… Then the Companion of Egypt will emerge from a long disappearance and silence, he opens the Cave of Secrets and calls out “Revenge, Revenge!”, and he paves the way for the Mahdi. Verily, the people are with the rulers and the world (dunya) and religion is with the strangers, so glad tidings to them, until the Mahdi of the Ahlulbayt comes out for them…”
– What Imam Ali (PBUH) said about the End Times, Sayyed Ali Ashour, p.329, hadith 503
We find in the narrations that the Companion of Egypt is the one who raises the Banner of the Mahdi.
He raises the Black Banner:
“No one recognizes him while he is with them …. he is patient, the patience of the Awliyaa’ (the Preferred Ones of Allah), and he raises the Black Banner. By God, the One who split the seed, he is the one who paves the way for the Mahdi.”
– What Imam Ali (PBUH) said about the End Times, Sayyed Ali Ashour, p.328, hadith 500
Indeed with Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace), you will find him to be patient, merciful, and the possessor of great knowledge. As we stated in one of our articles, the Mahdi comes with the Black Banner. Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace) did indeed raise the Banner in 2015.
But what is the name of the Companion of Egypt? His name will be Abdullah:
“...A book of his was read in Al-Sham that states, “from Abdullah the Prince of the Believers,” it won’t be long before a letter is read from the Platform of Egypt that states, “From Abdullah Abd Al-Rahman the Prince of the Believers.” If that happens the companions of the East and the companions of the West flock towards Al-Sham like two racing horses, each seeing that kingship shall not be established except by he who takes over Al-Sham, each stating that whoever captures it has captured kingship."
- Kitab Al-Fitan, Naim ibn Hammad, p. 154
So the name of the Companion of Egypt is Abdullah and is the same name we find in the Will of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH & His Family).
The Prince of the Believers Ali ibn Abi Talib (From Him is Peace) said:
“The Companion of Egypt is the sign of signs, and his sign is wondrous and it has signs to it, his heart is Hassan (good) and his head is Mohammed and he changes the name of his grandfather. If he emerges, know that the Mahdi will knock on your doors, so before he knocks, fly to him in the domes of the clouds or come to him even if you must crawl on ice.”
- What Imam Ali (PBUH) said concerning the End Times, Al-Sayed Ali Ashoor, p. 330
From the Book, ‘The Goal of The Wise’:
As for the physical traits of the Companion of Egypt, it is written about him in the book What Ali (PBUH) said about the End of Times: “He is tall with red cheeks, he has good appearance, and changes the name of his grandfather. He has a good heart with pure intentions. He has straight hair, and iron eyes, his thought is correct, his beard is white, and it has in it beauty and light, and his upper half is better than his lower half. He is known to the people but he is hidden.”
It is known to the believers that this description applies to the Companion of Egypt, Abdullah. It is also known that my physical lineage is different from my spiritual lineage. I am Abdullah Karam Hashem, but I am also Abdullah son of Ahmed son of Mohammed (PBUH & His Family)
“One day Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace) came to me and told me a secret that I did not know about myself.The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “How far back can you trace your name?”
I said, “I know my name is Abdullah son of Karam son of Soliman son of Hashem son of Soliman.”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “There is another name of one of your grandfathers, in it is a great secret.”
I said, “I don’t know beyond that.”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “Go and ask your physical father and let me know what he says.”
I went to my physical father and asked him. Then I returned to the Imam (From Him is Peace) and said to him, “My father told me one more of my grandfather’s names. He said my name is
Abdullah son of Karam son of Soliman son of Hashem son of Soliman son of Al-Hadi (الحادي).”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “Yes, that is it. Al-Hadi (الحادي). Do you know what
Al-Hadi (الحادي) means?”
I said, “The first?”
The Imam (From Him is Peace) said, “Exactly, Abdullah Al-Hadi (الحادي), Abdullah the first.
You will discover other matters as well concerning it.”
And indeed, later the Imam (From Him is Peace) explained to me that I come before him in the Will: Abdullah, Ahmed, Al-Mahdi.”
- The Goal of the Wise, Door 40, p.538-539