The concept of a "Divine Just State" is a recurring theme in many religious traditions, often envisioning a future era or state of existence characterized by justice, peace, and righteousness, guided by divine principles.
“The Divine Just State is the promise of God and the inheritance of the Children of Adam (PBUH). The type of rule which would exist in the Divine Just State would be a rule based on equality and justice for all, where people of all faiths and denominations would be allowed to practice their faith freely in our state, under the flag of the Supremacy of God.”
– The Goal of the Wise, Abdullah Hashem Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him is Peace), Door 7 (The Seventh Covenant With Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him is Peace)) p. 103
The topic of the Divine Just State is mentioned throughout the Goal of the Wise, especially in Door 33
Let us look at the many narrations that mention what the Qaim (From Him is Peace) will do in the Divine Just State and how the people will be treated
Ahmed ibn Mohammed ibn Sa'id reported: He said: Ahmed ibn Yusuf ibn Yaqub Abu Al-Hassan Al-Jofi told us: He said: Ismail ibn Mahran narrated to us, from Al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Abi Hamza, from Al-Mufaddel ibn Mohammed Al-Ashari, from Hariz, from Abu Abdullah (PBUH), from his father, from Ali ibn al-Hussein who said:
"When the Qaim rises, Allah will remove any ailment from every believer and restore their strength to them."
– Al-Ghayba (Book of Occultation), Al-Numani, Vol. 1, p. 330
Ali ibn Al-Hussein narrated from Mohammed ibn Yahya from Mohammed ibn Hassan Al-Razi from Mohammed ibn Ali Al-Sayrafi from Al-Hasan ibn Mahbub from Amr ibn Shimr that Jabir had said:
A man entered upon Abi Ja’far Al-Baqir (PBUH) and said to him: “May Allah keep you healthy, please take these five hundred dirhams from me,” So Abu Ja’far (PBUH) said to him: “You take it, spend it on your neighbors from the people of Islam and the poor ones from your Muslim brothers,” then he said: “If the Riser/Qaim of the Ahlul-Bayt rises, he shall divide equally, and he shall be fair to the people, whoever obeys him has obeyed God and whoever disobeys him disobeyed God, and he is called a Guide because he guides to a matter which has been previously hidden/unknown, and he shall bring forth the Torah and the rest of the books of God out of a cave in Antioch. He shall then rule between the people of the Torah by the Torah and between the people of the Gospels by their Gospels, and between the people of the Psalms (Zabur) by their Psalms (Zabur), and between the people of the Qur’an by their Qur’an. And the money of the world is gathered for him, from the inner of the earth and from the top of it. And he shall say to the people: ‘Come to that which you cut ties with your families over, and that which you spilt blood over, and that which you did what God forbade over,’ and the Riser/Qaim will be given what no one was given before him and he shall fill the Earth with justice and equity and light as it had been filled with injustice and oppression and evil.”
– Al-Ghayba (Book of Occultation), Al-Numani, Vol. 1, pp. 240-241
It is narrated through his chains from Jabir directly from His Eminence, Abu Ja’far Al-Baqir (PBUH) that he said:
"The Qaim (PBUH) will rule for three hundred and nine years, just as the People of the Cave stayed in their cave. He will fill the Earth with justice and equity, just as it had been filled with oppression and tyranny. God will grant him dominion over the East and West of the Earth. He will slay the wrongdoers until only the religion of Mohammed remains. He will walk by the example Solomon, son of David (PBUH), and he will call the sun and moon, and they will respond to him. The Earth will be folded for him, and he shall receive inspiration, and will act according to the inspiration by the command of God."
He (PBUH) also said: "When the Qaim appears and enters Kufa, God will send seventy thousand righteous men from Kufa to be among his supporters and companions. He will restore that which is black to its people, they are its people. Twice a year, he will distribute gifts to the people, and he will grant them sustenance twice a month. He will ensure equality among the people until there will be no one in need of zakat (charity). The people who desire to give zakat will bring it to the poor among his followers, but they will refuse to accept it. They will return it, saying: 'We have no need for your dirhams.'"
– Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 52, p. 390
“A section we mention from the eighth list of the fifth booklet, from the question of Iblis and the answer of God, in the exact wording we found:
He said: "My Lord, grant me respite until the Day they are resurrected."
He said: "No, but you are among those granted respite until the day of the appointed time."
That is the day I have decreed and ordained to purify the Earth from disbelief, polytheism, and sins. For that time I have chosen servants whose hearts I have tested for faith and filled with the spirit, sincerity, certitude, piety, humility, truthfulness, forbearance, patience, dignity, asceticism in worldly matters, and a desire for what is with Me after receiving guidance.
I will make them preachers of the sun and moon, and I will appoint them as successors on Earth, enabling them to establish the religion I have chosen for them. They will worship Me without associating anything with Me, perform prayers at their appointed times, give zakat in due time, enjoin what is good, and forbid what is evil.
I shall establish in that time security upon the Earth, so nothing will harm anything, and nothing will fear anything. Even insects and livestock will coexist among people without harming one another. And I will remove the venom from every venomous creature, including insects and others.
And I will remove the venom from everything that stings or bites. I will send blessings from the heavens and the Earth, the Earth will flourish with its finest vegetation, and it will yield all its fruits and varieties of goodness.
I will cast compassion and mercy among them, so they will care for one another and share equally, such that the poor will no longer suffer from need, and no one will dominate over another. Rather, they will humble themselves to one another. The elder will show mercy to the young, and the young will show reverence to the elder. They will adhere to truth, and by it, they will act justly and rule.
These are My chosen ones. I have appointed for them a chosen Prophet and a trustworthy one . I made him a Prophet and Messenger for them, and I made them his supporters and allies. These are the Imams I have chosen for My chosen Prophet and My trustworthy one.
This is a time I have concealed in the knowledge of My unseen, yet it is inevitable that it will come to pass, a time when you and your cavalry, your infantry, and all your armies will be annihilated.
So go, for you are among those granted respite until the day of the appointed time.”
– Saad Al-Sud, Ibn Tawus, pp. 34-35
Let us look at the verses in the Bible that mention the state of world when the Messiah returns.
“No one living in Zion will say, “I am ill”; and the sins of those who dwell there will be forgiven.”
– The Holy Bible, Book of Isaiah, Chapter 33, Verse 24
“He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.”
– The Holy Bible, Book of Isaiah, Chapter 2, Verse 4
“He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all nations and peoples of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed.”
– The Holy Bible, Book of Daniel, Chapter 7, Verse 14
“He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. Everyone will sit under their own vine and under their own fig tree, and no one will make them afraid, for the LORD Almighty has spoken. All the nations may walk in the name of their gods, but we will walk in the name of the LORD our God for ever and ever. LORD “In that day,” declares the LORD, “I will gather the lame; I will assemble the exiles and those I have brought to grief. I will make the lame my remnant, those driven away a strong nation. The LORD will rule over them in Mount Zion from that day and forever.
– The Holy Bible, Book of Micah, Chapter 4, Verses 3-7
Here are a few excerpts in one of the episodes in which Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him Is Peace) goes in depth about how the Mahdi will establish the Divine Just State in this episode:
“When you actually look at the narrations of Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed, you'll find that some narrations state that the matter, the state is pushed towards the Twelfth Imam, like a bride is pushed towards her groom, and that he rises to the seat of power or the throne of the state without shedding a single drop of blood. You do have also narrations that speak about nations that make revolutions in order to join the state of Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam). You also have narrations where entire nations or state, they fall to the army of the Imam, and they pledge allegiance to him, join into his state. His state expands, these neighboring countries will become a part of that. But due to miraculous reasons, not due to the fact that he is spreading the religion in an ISIS-styled way or by force, much like the Muslim religion began to spread during the time of Abu Bakr, and especially Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. You have narrations that mention that there'll be other countries that will see the companions, an army battalion of the Imam. All of them are actually walking on water. And then they say to themselves, “Well, if this is how his companions are, then what is he like?” And then the city opens up and falls to the hands of the army of the Imam, much like the city of Jericho fell at the blowing of the horns by the Israelites in the time of Joshua son of Nun.
Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam), there are narrations that state that there are physical struggles, that there are battles that take place. But when you really hone in on these narrations, you'll always find that it is, for example, narrations that are stating that between the Imam and between the Romans, for example, there's a peace treaty, but then the Romans they break that peace treaty and they're the ones that are aggressing. You also find in the narrations that Iman Al-Mahdi and his companions they never have any sort of violent tendencies or military-type operations or actions that are... They're really focused just on Dawah work, calling the people to Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala) until there's a character called Al-Nafs Al-Zakiyya. And this Nafs Al-Zakiyya, this pure soul who's innocent, he is slaughtered. And the assumption also is that this slaughtering of the pure soul happens after many of the Ansar had already been imprisoned, or killed, or oppressed over the course of a long time period.
And so then the Ansar act in self-defense. And that's where you get some of these narrations that mention that there are battles that are taking place. There's also enemies in the narrations that are mentioned, like for example, the army that gets swallowed by the earth. This army, the Ansar of the Imam, they're not doing anything. They're just preaching. And then this whole entire army goes forward to kind of oppress them or go out against them, because they have doubts that they're trying to stir up... or their message, they don't like the message of the Imam. And so God causes the earth to swallow them. And so these types of miraculous things causes people to enter into the Dawah without there being any sort of bloodshed. And I think that this is important for the people to take note of. There's also narrations of large numbers of Jews and people of other religions that end up falling into the Dawah, pledging allegiance to the Imam, becoming a part of his state, after he pulls forward certain relics and treasures that they recognize as being theirs.
For example, like the Ark of the Covenant or certain old manuscripts, or relics that belong to the Prophets and the Messengers, like the staff of Moses, the rod of Aaron, or the Ring of Solomon, or other relics of this sort. And so the Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam), his message that we are proclaiming in this time is one of peace. It's a reminder to humanity. One of the interesting things that people should take note of is that when Ahmed Al-Hassan (alayhi salam) was describing this call, the call of Imam Al-Mahdi, he used two words. And those two words to describe the call was "Humanity first." It is a message of peace. Imam Al-Mahdi's not even coming in this day and age in order that he spreads the religion of Islam. This is not his mission by the way. He is a successor of the Prophet Mohammed. Of course, he has a firm knowing, belief, yaqeen, certitude in the fact that the Prophet Mohammed was a true Prophet, and that the religion of Islam in its true original form is the religion of God and the religion of all of the Prophets and Messengers.
But in the narrations and according to his own statements today, in this day and age, Imam Al-Mahdi does not prohibit other people from practicing their own religions. He believes in absolute religious freedom. And this is something which is also made very clear in the narrations of Mohammed and the Family of Mohammed because they state that the Qaim or Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam), whether it's Imam Al-Mahdi, whether it's the Qaim, whether it's the Yamani, or whether it's any of the other Mahdis, they are all together, and they all go under the umbrella of this Divine Just State. And they're all working by the command of Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam). And so it doesn't really matter who the character is that's mentioned in the narrations, but because at the end of the day it goes back to the thought and the message of the Twelfth Imam Mohammed ibn Al-Hassan Al-Askari (alayhi salam) and his command. And the Twelfth Imam who is actually the Prophet Mohammed in his reincarnation or in his return, he rules the people in the Divine Just State by their own books.”
For more information, please watch the episode here:
Imam Mahdi Didn't Come To Spread Islam | الإمام المهدي لم يأتِ لنشر الإسلام
Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him Is Peace) also states,
“Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam), he comes as the successor to all of the Prophets and the Messengers. And his Sunnah is the Sunnah of the Prophets and the Messengers. And Imam Al-Mahdi, his message starts with the propagation of faith and the calling towards the Supremacy of God, and the sharing of the message of Allah (subhanahu wa-ta'ala) of justice, equality, humanity first. And Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam) he sent me and the people forward in order to do that, which Moses did, Jesus did, Mohammed (sall Allahu alayhi wa alihi) did. And that is to establish also a church, a community, a congregation, a City of the Prophet. The way of Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam) is also nonviolent, just like Moses was nonviolent. The companions of Imam Al-Mahdi (alayhi salam) don't seek to and don't believe in and would never seek to cause an ‘intifada’ ‘انتفاضة ’ (uprising) in any sort of country, or to cause chaos, or commit any sort of acts of violence.”
For more information, please watch the episode here:
How the Ansar of Imam Mahdi spread his call | كيف ينشر أنصار الإمام المهدي دعوته