Both Shia and Sunni sources state that twelve Mahdi's will succeed Imam Mahdi (From Him Is Peace).
Imam Sajjad (From Him Is Peace) said: “The Qaim will appear from among us and after him there will be twelve Mahdi's.”
–Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 109, p. 148, Hadith 142 (Arabic Online Version) Source
Abu Al-Hussein ibn Al-Munadi said as part of a long passage:
“It is possible that the meaning of the hadith “There will be 12 Caliphs” that this will be after the Mahdi, who emerges in the End Times, for I found in the Book of Daniel, when the Mahdi dies, five men will rule after him from the sons of the elder grandson, then five from the sons of the younger grandson, then the last of them passes the caliphate to a man from the sons of the elder grandson, then his son rules after him, and so with that there will be 12 kings each one of them is an Imam Mahdi.”
– Fateh AlBari Sharh Saheeh AlBukhari for Ibn Hajar Volume 13, p.226 (Arabic Version)
Yahya bin Abu Muta' said:
"I heard 'Irbad bin Sariyah say: 'One day, the Messenger of Allah (PBUH & His Family) stood up among us and delivered a deeply moving speech to us that melted our hearts and caused our eyes to overflow with tears. It was said to him: 'O Messenger of Allah, you have delivered a speech of farewell, so enjoin something upon us.' He said: 'I urge you to fear Allah, and to listen and obey, even if (your leader) is an Abyssinian slave. After I am gone, you will see great conflict. I urge you to adhere to my Sunnah and the path of the Rightly-Guided Mahdiyeen, and cling stubbornly to it. And beware of newly-invented matters, for every innovation is a going astray.'"
- Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 1, Book 1, Hadith 42
حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ بَشِيرِ بْنِ ذَكْوَانَ الدِّمَشْقِيُّ، حَدَّثَنَا الْوَلِيدُ بْنُ مُسْلِمٍ، حَدَّثَنَا عَبْدُ اللَّهِ بْنُ الْعَلاَءِ، - يَعْنِي ابْنَ زَبْرٍ - حَدَّثَنِي يَحْيَى بْنُ أَبِي الْمُطَاعِ، قَالَ سَمِعْتُ الْعِرْبَاضَ بْنَ سَارِيَةَ، يَقُولُ قَامَ فِينَا رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ ذَاتَ يَوْمٍ فَوَعَظَنَا مَوْعِظَةً بَلِيغَةً وَجِلَتْ مِنْهَا الْقُلُوبُ وَذَرَفَتْ مِنْهَا الْعُيُونُ فَقِيلَ يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ وَعَظْتَنَا مَوْعِظَةَ مُوَدِّعٍ فَاعْهَدْ إِلَيْنَا بِعَهْدٍ فَقَالَ " عَلَيْكُمْ بِتَقْوَى اللَّهِ وَالسَّمْعِ وَالطَّاعَةِ وَإِنْ عَبْدًا حَبَشِيًّا وَسَتَرَوْنَ مِنْ بَعْدِي اخْتِلاَفًا شَدِيدًا فَعَلَيْكُمْ بِسُنَّتِي وَسُنَّةِ الْخُلَفَاءِ الرَّاشِدِينَ الْمَهْدِيِّينَ عَضُّوا عَلَيْهَا بِالنَّوَاجِذِ وَإِيَّاكُمْ وَالأُمُورَ الْمُحْدَثَاتِ فَإِنَّ كُلَّ بِدْعَةٍ ضَلاَلَةٌ " .
There is a mistranslation in this narration. In Arabic, “ وَسُنَّةِ الْخُلَفَاءِ الرَّاشِدِينَ الْمَهْدِيِّينَ”, wasunnat alkhulafa' alrrashidin almahdiiyn literally translates as “and the Sunnah of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs, the Mahdis”. Not, “I urge you to adhere to my Sunnah and the path of the Rightly-Guided Caliphs”.
Abu Baseer said:
"I told Al-Sadiq, Jafar Bin Mohammad (From Him Is Peace): “O son of the Prophet, I once heard your father (From Him Is Peace) saying that after the Qaem there shall be twelve Mahdis“. Then Al-Sadiq (From Him Is Peace) said: “Indeed, he said ‘twelve Mahdis’ and he did not say ‘twelve Imams’. They are from our followers (Shia), who shall call upon people to support us and who shall identify our right.”
–English Source Kamal Al-Deen, Volume 2, Chapter 33, page.35, Hadith.56
Arabic Source, Kamal Al-Deen, Volume 2, page 30-31 of the book Hadith 54
Abi Abdulllah (From Him Is Peace) said:
“O Aba Hamza, verily there will be from us, after the Qaim (From Him Is Peace) 11 Mahdi's from the sons of Hussein (From Him Is Peace).”
– Ghaiba Al Tusi [Translator: Sayyid Athar Husain S. H. Rizvi , PubIisher: Ansariyan PubIications, First Edition 2012 -1433 - 1391], p.540, Hadith 504 (Book Version) for English
– Ghaiba lilTusi, p.541, Hadith 504 (Book Version) for Arabic
– Mu’jam Ahadith al-Imam alMahdi, vol.4, p.77, Hadith.1148-1149 (Online Version)
From Abu Jaafer and Abu Abdullah (From Him Is Peace) mentioning Kufa he said:
“Masjid Suhail where Allah hasn’t sent a Prophet except that he prayed inside it. From it justice shall appear by Allah, and in it will be His riser/ Qaim and after him will be risers/ Qaims, and they have the dwellings of the Prophets, successors, and the true believers.”
– Wasa’el Al Shia, v.3 p.524. And v.10 p.282.;
– Mu’jam Ahadith al-Imam alMahdi, vol.3, p.296, Hadith.839;
The following narration mentions 12 Imams from the children of Fatima, Ali and Muhammad (PBUT). Since Ali (From Him Is Peace) can not be a part of these specific twelve, there must be a thirteenth Imam. And according to Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH & His Family) Will, this is the First Mahdi (From Him Is Peace) who is the thirteenth successor from the twenty four successors (PBUT).
The Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family) said:
“Me and 12 from my sons and you, O Ali, are the balance of this earth, meaning its pegs and the mountains, Allah has made us the pegs of the Earth so it does not become wrecked on its people, so if the 12 from my sons went away then the Earth would be wrecked on its people and they will not have vision/ insight.”
– Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulayni, Vol. 1, p. 534, Hadith.17 (Online Arabic Version)
– Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulayni, Vol. 1, Book 4 Chapter 126 Hadith 17 (English Version)
Al-Hassan ibn Ali (From Him Is Peace) said:
“Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family) promised us that this matter shall be ruled by 12 Imams from the sons of Ali and Fatima.”
– Mu’jam Ahadith al-Imam alMahdi, Vol.3 p. 172, Hadith.698 (Online Arabic Version)
– Bihar Al-Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 44 p. 139 (Online Arabic Version)
It is illogical to think that this narration is referring to the 12 Imams and the 12 Imams come from Imam Ali (From Him Is Peace) while Imam Ali is already one of the 12 Imams.
From Anas ibn Malik:
"…So I said: Who are your Disciples O Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family)? So he (PBUH & His Family) said: “The Imams after me are 12 from the lineage of Ali (From Him Is Peace) and Fatima, they are my disciples and my supporters (Ansari), salutations and peace upon them from Allah.”
– Bihar Al Anwar, Al-Allamah Al-Majlisi, Vol. 36 p. 271 Arabic Online Version)
The Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family) said:
“From my sons will be 12 Naqeeb (princes), they are noble, spoken to by Angels and conveyers of knowledge, the last of them is the Riser (Qaim) of truth who will fill the Earth with justice just as it will be filled with oppression.”
– Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulayni Vo. 1. p. 534, Hadith.18 (Online Arabic Version)
Imam Ali (From Him Is Peace) is not one of the sons of the Prophet.
Narrated that Jabir alAnsari said:
“I entered to Fatima the daughter of the Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family) and she had a tablet in front of her that had the names of the successors and the Imams from her sons, so she counted 12 names and the last of them is the Qaim, 3 of them were Muhammad and 3 of them were Ali.”
– Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh, Al-Kulayni, Vol. 1, p. 532, Hadith.9 (Online Arabic Version)
Online English Version;
– Ghaiba Al lTusi p.139;
– Ghaiba Al Tusi [Translator: Sayyid Athar Husain S. H. Rizvi , PubIisher: Ansariyan PubIications, First Edition 2012 -1433 - 1391], p.196, Hadith 103 (Book Version) for English
– Ghaiba lilTusi, p.163 Hadith 103 (Online Arabic Version)
Al-Khisal by Sheikh alSadooq, Part 12: On Twelve-Numbered Characteristics. Hadith 43 (English Version)
Al-Khisal by Sheikh alSadooq p.477-478, Doors.11, Hadith.42 (Online Arabic Version)
We must read this narration properly. It states that Fatimah Al-Zahra (From Her Is Peace) had the names of the successors and the Imams from her sons. Imam Ali (From Him Is Peace) is not from the sons of Fatimah, so he is not included in the list of successors.
Approximately 200 million Shias today know about Imam Mahdi (From Him Is Peace) and millions of Sunnis too, Muhammad son of Al-Hassan (From Him Is Peace) he is known but for the unknown Imam, who could he be?
From Asbagh bin Nubatah that he said:
"I came to Amirul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (From Him Is Peace) and found him thoughtful. He was drawing lines on the ground. I said: O Chief of believers, why do I see you thoughtful and you are making lines on the earth? Is it out of desire for the earth? He said: “No, by Allah, I have never desired it, nor for what is in the world even for one day. I was thinking about the one who will be born from the back of the eleventh from my sons. He is the Mahdi and he will fill the earth with equity as it will be full of oppression and injustice. There will be a perplexity and occultation related to him in which communities will go astray and communities will be guided. “I said: O my Master, how long will this perplexity and occultation last? He said: “Six days, or six months, or six years.” So I said: Is this really going to happen? He said: “Yes, just as he will be [certainly] created. How would you know this, Asbagh! They are the best of this Ummah and the companions of the righteous of this Household.” I said: What will happen after that? He said: “Allah will do what He desires, for He has wills and purposes and outcomes.”
– Ghaiba Al Tusi [Translator: Sayyid Athar Husain S. H. Rizvi , PubIisher: Ansariyan PubIications, First Edition 2012 -1433 - 1391], p.220, Hadith 103 (Book Version) for English & p.402 Hadith 282– Ghaiba Al Tusi, p.190, Hadith.127 (Online Arabic Version)
And p.358, Hadith.282 (Online Arabic Version).
– Al-Ikhtisaas, by Sheikh alMufeed, p.209 (Online Arabic Version)
Who is the 11th from Imam Ali’s (From Him Is Peace) sons?
The 11th son of Imam Ali is Imam Mahdi (From Him Is Peace). So who will be the descendant of Imam Mahdi (From Him Is Peace)? Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him Is Peace).
Find further proof that Imam Mahdi (From Him Is Peace) indeed has a Successor, who is his helper already before he succeeds him in the rule.
It is narrated from the Prince of the Believers (From Him Is Peace) that he said in Hira:
“This place will join with that (pointing to Kufa). So much so that the land between them would be sold for a dinar per cubit. A Masjid will come up at Hira having 500 gates and the Khalif of Imam Qaim will lead prayer in it, because the Kufa Masjid would be overcrowded and twelve just Imams would be leading prayers in it.” I said: O Amirul Momineen (From Him Is Peace), is the Kufa Masjid big enough for the people you are describing at that time? He replied: “Another four Masjids would be built there and the Kufa Masjid would be the smallest. This Masjid and two Masjids would be on this side of Kufa and on the other side.” Then he pointed to the Basrin and Gharrin streams.”
–Mu’jam Ahadith al-Imam alMahdi, vol.3 p.111, Hadith 651 (Online Arabic Version)
Imam Ja'far (From Him Is Peace) says:
“So the Qaim will stand between the Rukn and Maqam and with him is his Wazeer (Vizier), … And he shall emerge from Mecca, him and who was with him from the 300 and few 10s, and they will pledge allegiance to him between the Rukn and Maqam, and with him is the Promise of the Prophet of Allah (PBUH & His Family), his Banner and his Weapon, and so he shall pray and then leave and with him is his Wazeer (Vizier/ minister).”
– Tafsir alAyashi, vol.1, p.65, Hadith.117 (Online Arabic Version)
– Mu’jam Ahadith al-Imam alMahdi, vol.5, p.21, Hadith 1452 ( Online Arabic Version)
From Al-Baqir (From Him Is Peace) he said:
“There will be for the Companion of the Matter an occultation in a few of these regions” – and then he pointed his finger over at Thi Tiwa (Najaf) – “until before his emergence, the Mawla (Master) that was with him will arrive, in order to meet with some of his companions.”
– Ghaibat AlNumani p.185, Hadith.30 (Online Arabic Version)
– Ghaibat Al Numani, Chapter 10: Disappearance of the expected Imam, Hadith 30 (English Version)
From Al-Baqir (From Him Is Peace) when he was talking about the Mahdi’s move:
“The Mahdi hurries/ races to call people to the Book of Allah, the Sunnah of his Prophet (From Him Is Peace & His Family), the Guardianship (Wilaya) of Ali bin Abi Talib (From Him Is Peace) and being free from his enemies. Until when the Mahdi gets to Al-Thalabya, a Man from the same lineage of the Mahdi’s father will go to the Mahdi. The Man is one of the most severest in body and bravest in heart among people, apart from the Companion of the Matter (Mahdi). The Man says to the Mahdi: “O you, what are you doing? By Allah, you are frightening people like the frightening of cattle. Is this by a covenant from the Messenger of Allah (From Him Is Peace & His Family) or by what? “So the Master (Mawla), that will Succeed the Pledging of Allegiance, will say to the Man: “I swear by Allah either you remain silent, or I strike what is in your eyes. “So the Mahdi (From Him Is Peace) says to the Master: “Keep quiet O So-and-So.” [Then says to the Man] “Yes, by Allah I have with me a Covenant from the Messenger of Allah (From Him Is Peace). O So-and-So (Master), bring me the chest.” So the Master fetches it and the Man reads the covenant from the Messenger of Allah (From Him Is Peace & His Family). The Man then says to the Mahdi: “May Allah make me your ransom. Give me your head so I can kiss it.” He kisses between his eyes then says: “May Allah make me your ransom. Renew our Pledge of Allegiance.” The Mahdi (From Him Is Peace) renews the Pledge of Allegiance for them.” Imam Baqir (From Him Is Peace) then says: “It is as if I am looking at them rising from the Najaf of Kufa, 300 and a few 10s of men.”
– Tafsir alAyashi vol.2 p.59 (Online Arabic Version)
– Mu’jam Ahadith al-Imam alMahdi, vol.5 p.28 (Online Arabic Version)
“So they get together and check who they should pledge allegiance to, and so this happens when they hear a call not from a human nor from the jinn, ‘Pledge allegiance to so-and-so [by his name], he is not from that such (of people) or this, rather he is a Khalifa who is a Yamani.'”
Let us acknowledge that all of the Imams (From Them Is Peace) and the Mahdis (From Them Is Peace) are called “Qaim (the Riser)”, as it has been narrated by Ahlul-Bayt (From Them Is Peace)
For example:
Abu Khadijah narrated that Abi Abdillah (From Him Is Peace) was asked about the Qaim (From Him Is Peace), so he said:
“We are all Qaim (riser) by the command of Allah, one after the other, until the companion of the sword comes forth. So if the companion of the sword comes, he will come with a matter which is different than what was.”
– Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulayni, Vol. 1, p. 536
And al-Hakam ibn Abi Na’eem said that Aba Ja’far (From Him Is Peace) said:
“O Hakam, we are all Qaim (Riser) by the command of Allah”. So I said: So are you the Mahdi (the guided)? So he (From Him Is Peace) said: “We all guide towards Allah”. So I said: “So you are the companion of the sword?” So he (From Him Is Peace) said: “We are all companion of the sword and inheritor of the sword.”
–Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulayni, Vol. 1, p. 536 (Online Arabic Version)
Al-Kafi, Al-Shaikh Al-Kulaynni, Vol. 1, Book 4, Chapter 128 Hadith 1 (Online English Version)
And in the following narration, you will find that the title “the Qaims (the Risers)” is given to the Successors of the Qaim (From Him Is Peace), whom are the Mahdis (From Him Is Peace):
Abu Ja’far and Abu Abdillah (From Him Is Peace) said about Kufa:
“…in it is the mosque of Suhayl, which Allah has not sent a Prophet except that he has prayed in it. And from it will appear the justice of Allah, and in it will be His Qaim and the Qaims after him, and it is the ranks of the Prophets and Vicegerents and Righteous ones”.
– Wasa’il al-Shia alIslamiyya volume 3 p.524 (Online English Version)
Now contemplate over the following narration in which the Commander of the Believers Imam Ali (From Him Is Peace) mentions the presence of more the one Qaim at the same time paving the way for the Holy Rise, meaning more than one Hujjah from the Family of Muhammad (From Them Is Peace).
The Commander of the Believers (From Him Is Peace) said in a long Hadith:
“If the Qaim rises in Khorasan, and dominates over the land of Kufan and Al-Millatan, and passes the island of Bani Kawan, and a Qaim from us rises in Jaylan, and the Ibber and Deylaman will answer him. Then the awaited Qaim and the unknown Imam will rise, he has the honor and the preference, and he is from your offspring O Al-Hussein, no son is like him.”
– Ghaybat al-Noamani, Chapter 14: The signs preceding the appearance Hadith 55 (English Version)
– Ghaybat al-Noamani, page 281 (Online Arabic Version),
As for who are those three Qaim's (From Them Is Peace) who are mentioned in the above narration (the Qaim in Khorasan, the Qaim in Jaylan, and the awaited Qaim and the unknown Imam), that is to be announced by Imam Ahmed Al-Hassan (From Him Is Peace) when he (From Him Is Peace) wills.
But the point here is that, as it is clear from the narration, there are more than one “Qaim” at the same time, paving the way for the Holy Qiyam (the Holy Rise).
Aba Al-Sadiq (From Him Is Peace) has made an episode on the 12 Mahdi's as well:
How many Mahdis are there? | الإمام المهدي والاثنا عشر مهدياً