The Gospel of the Riser of the Family of Mohammed
In this book The Goal of the Wise, the Qaim Aba Al-Sadiq resolves the world’s unanswered questions and transforms the way the reader views humanity’s past, present and future forever.
Not only does he shine a light on philosophical key questions like: What is reality? Do we have free will? And: If god is good, why is the world so bad? But he also delves deep into mysteries that religious scholars have long tried to avoid.
The Goal of the Wise reveals the shocking truth of the drinking of the blood of Christ and Jesus’ secret life following the crucifixion. It brings to light the hidden symbolism behind the Tree of Immortality, points out a covert war of bloodlines in the Torah and explains how one God has brought about so many different religions.
Be prepared to find unexpected answers in The Goal of the Wise.